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Knitting, Knitting ideas, Coats, cardigans, jackets

Fashionable jacket with braids and bat sleeves

вязаный жакет

A voluminous jacket with dolman sleeves guarantees complete freedom of movement, and an interesting pattern will not let you get bored at work.

Dimensions: 36/38 (42/44).


You will need: yarn (100% alpaca wool; 140 m/50 g) - 600 (700) g beige; knitting needles No. 4.5; circular knitting needles No. 5; 5 buttons.

Patterns for knitting a jacket

Rubber. The number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 p. + 2 chrome. Persons rows: chrome, knit alternately 2 purl, 2 knits, finish 2 purl, chrome. Out. rows: knit loops according to the pattern.

Braid pattern. The number of loops is a multiple of 8 + 6 p. + 2 chrome. Knit according to the given pattern. It shows facial rows. In the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern. In width, start with the edge, repeat the rapport, end with loops after the repeat and edge. (deviations from this distribution of loops are given in the description of knitting fronts). Repeat in height from the 1st to the 16th row.

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Finishing pattern of the front strap (22 p.). Persons rows: knit alternately 2 knits, 2 purl, finish 2 knits. Out. rows: knit loops according to the pattern.

Knitting density: 22 p. x 25 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a braid pattern; finishing front strip with 22 p. + edging. = 10 cm. The samples are made on needles No. 5.

Description of knitting a jacket

Back. On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 88 (104) sts and knit for the bottom bar with a 3 cm elastic band. Switch to needles No. 5 and continue working with a “braid” pattern. At the same time, starting from the elastic band, start increasing on both sides for the batwing sleeves: * 2 times in each person. row and 1 time in the next purl. row, add 1 stitch on both sides, respectively. with pattern, from * repeat 31 more times.

Attention. Rhythm of increases: 3 increases on both sides in a section 4 rows high. First, knit the added loops with knit stitches, respectively. purlwise and gradually incorporated into the braid pattern.

After 51 cm = 128 r. from the bottom bar on the knitting needles there will be 280 (296) sts. After 65 cm = 162 r. (68 cm = 170 r.) From the bottom bar, close on both sides for the upper bevels, first 1 time for 15 (16) sts, then in every 2 r. 6 more times for 15 (16) p. At the same time after 69 cm = 172 r. (72 cm = 180 r.) From the bottom bar, close the middle 38 sts for the neckline and then knit both sides separately.

To round the neckline, close from the inner edge in the next 2nd r. 1 time 1 p. After 70.5 cm = 176 r. (73.5 cm = 184 r.) From the bottom bar, close off the remaining 15 (16) shoulder stitches. Finish the second side symmetrically to the first.

Left shelf. On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 48 (56) sts and for the bottom bar, knit between the edges. loops 3 cm with an elastic band, while starting and ending with 2 knits. Switch to knitting needles No. 5 and continue working with a braid pattern, distributing the loops of the patterns as follows: chrome, 24 (32) stitches of a braid pattern (start with the loops before the repeat, repeat the repeat 2 (3) times, finish loops after rapport), 22 p. finishing pattern of the front strip, chrome. At the same time, from the right edge, make increases for the sleeves, as described for the back. After 51 cm = 128 r. from the bottom bar on the knitting needles there will be 144 (152) sts. From the right edge, make decreases for the top bevel, as on the back.

After 70.5 cm = 176 rubles. (73.5 cm = 184 r.) From the bottom bar, close the remaining 15 (16) sts of the shoulder and on the remaining 24 sts continue knitting a shawl collar (= 1st st becomes an edge loop). After 9 cm from the beginning of separate knitting of the collar, leave the loops temporarily.

Right shelf. Knit symmetrically to the left front, while making 5 holes for buttons: for each hole, knit the first 5 stitches according to the pattern, knit 2 stitches together with the front one, make 2 yarn overs, knit 2 stitches together with a tilt to the left (= remove 1 stitch, as in knitting, knit the next stitch and pull the slipped loop through the knitted one). In the next row, purl the 1st yarn over, purl the 2nd yarn over. crossed. Place the first hole after the 4th row. from the set row, the next 4 holes - with an interval of 26 (28) r.

After the bottom bar, distribute the pattern loops as follows: chrome, 22 stitches of the finishing front trim pattern, 24 (32) stitches of the braid pattern (perform repeat 3 (4) times), chrome.

Assembly. Sew shoulder seams/top sleeve seams. Connect the remaining loops of the collar halves with a knitted stitch “loop to loop” along the middle line of the back. Sew the collar into the neck of the back.

On the lower (straight) edges of the sleeves, cast on needles No. 4.5, 48 (56) sts each, and knit for the stripes between the edges. loops with an elastic band, while starting and ending with 2 knits. After 15 cm from the beginning of the elastic band, close the loops according to the drawing. Sew side seams/bottom sleeve seams. Sew buttons.

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