The wrap effect in the model is due to the diagonal cut of the front. Section-dyed yarn, a pearl pattern and regular elastic create beautiful raised stripes.
Dimensions: 36 (38/40) 42/44.

You will need: пряжа (67% шерсти, 18% вискозы, 15% полиамида; 100 м/ 50 г) — 400 (450) 500 г розово-серой секционного крашения; спицы №6; круговые спицы №6; маркер петель.
Elastic band A 2 x 2: the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 edge loops. Start and end row 1.
Elastic band B 2 x 2: the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 + 2 edge loops. Alternately knit 2, purl 2.
Pearl Pattern: even number of loops.
Front and back rows: edge, alternately 1 front, 1 back, edge.
Garter stitch.
Relief pattern: start with 1 front row. * 1 rub. facial, 3 p. pearl pattern, 2 r. elastic band A or B (according to instructions), 2 p. garter stitch, from * repeat constantly
Knitting density:
12 п. х 25 р. = 10 х 10 см — рельефным узором.
Attention: before knitting across in 2 parts. Arrows on the pattern = knitting direction. The dimensions on the pattern are partially obtained by measuring the finished model.
Back: набрать на спицы 54 (58) 62 п. и вязать рельефным узором (с резинкой А). Через 53,5 см = 134 р. (57 см = 142 р.) 60 см = 150 р. от начального ряда закрыть все петли, из них средние 20 п. образуют горловину, внешние по 17 (19) 21 п. — плечи
Before: for the right side For the front, cast on 64 (68) 72 sts on the needles and knit with a relief pattern (with elastic band B); starting row = right side edge.
For the front bevel every 1 cm = 2 r. from the initial row, close 1 x 2 stitches along the right edge, then in every 2nd row. * close 4 x 2 p. and 1 x 1 p., from * repeat 4 more times, then close in every 2nd p. another 0 (2) 4 x 2 p. (= 47 (51) 55 decreases).
At the same time after 14 cm = 35 r. (15.5 cm = 39 rub.) 17.5 cm = 43 rub. from the initial row, close at the beginning of the next purl row to bevel the neckline 1 x 2 p., then in every 2nd r. cast off 6 x 2 sts and 2 x 1 sts (= 16 decreases).
After 21.5 cm = 54 r. (23 cm = 58 rub.) 25 cm = 62 rub. From the beginning row, pull the thread through the last loop and attach a marker.
For the left side of the front cast on the knitting needles along the lower bevel of the right side of the front to the mark (= * on the pattern) 54 (58) 62 sts and for the edge of the neck cast on another 20 sts.
On these 74 (78) 82 sts, knit with a relief pattern, and start from the 2nd row. (= purl row) with a pearl pattern and acc. knit pattern with rib A.
At the same time, in the 1st front row from the set of loops, subtract 1 x 1 stitches for the lower edge of the front along the right edge, for this, knit 2 stitches together after the edge according to. pattern.
Repeat this decrease another 21 (22) 23 times in every 4th r. (= 22 (23) 24 decreases).
Simultaneously with the 1st decrease, add 1 x 1 st for the shoulder along the left edge. pattern and repeat these increases another 7 (8) 9 times in every 4th row. (= 8 (9) 10 increases).
After 12.5 cm = 31 r. (14 cm = 35 rub.) 16 cm = 39 rub. from a set of loops (measure in the direction of knitting!) the width of the beveled shoulder is 14 (15.5) 17.5 cm.
Then close for the side edge along the left edge in the next purl row 1 x 2 p., then in every 2nd r. close 28 (30) 32 x 2 p. (= 58 (62) 66 decreases)
After 35 cm = 87 rub. (36.5 cm = 91 rub.) 38 cm = 95 rub. from the set of stitches (measure in the direction of knitting!) bind off the last 2 sts.
Sleeves: cast on 26 (30) 34 stitches on the knitting needles for each sleeve and knit 5 cm for the placket with elastic band A. Continue working with a relief pattern (also with elastic band A).
At the same time, add on both sides for bevels in every 14th row. from the bar 2 x 1 p. and in every 12th p. 6 x 1 p. (alternately in every 10th and 12th r. 9 x 1 p.) in every 10th r. 10 x 1 p. acc. pattern = 42 (48) 54 p. H
after 45 cm = 112 r. close all loops from the bar.
Assembly: Before stretching to the sizes indicated on the pattern and drying under a damp cloth.
Sew shoulder seams.
For the neckline, cast on circular needles from the corner of the V-neck 1 p. (= middle loop) and along the edge of the neck 70 p. = 71 p.
Constantly knit the middle loop, knit the remaining loops with rib B in circular rows, and after and before the middle loop, start and end with 2 knits.
At the same time, to give shape, knit 6 x 1 stitches in the corner of the neck in each circular row with a double slant to the left (= slip the middle loop with the previous loop together, like knit stitches, knit the next loop, then pull it through the removed loops).
With a binding width of 3 cm = 6 circles. close off the remaining 59 sts according to the drawing. Sew in the sleeves, sew side seams and sleeve seams.
For the waist strap, cast on 120 (132) 144 stitches along the lower edge of the back and front and knit a 5 cm pattern for the waist strap in 6 circular rows.
Then close the loops according to the drawing.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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