A universal model that will look good under jeans with sneakers or shorts, as well as a formal skirt or office trousers.
Dimensions: 12/14

Material: ANNY BLATT «Mango» (50% хлопок, 50% модал; длина 110м/50г) 400 г светло-голубого цвета (col 156);
knitting needles and circular needles number 4 = 3.5 mm.
Garter stitch in the round:
1 row of knit stitches, next row of p.
Zigzag pattern A: The number of loops is divided by 18 + 1 + 2 chrome. Each row begins and ends with an edge loop.
Persons: * p k, yo, 7 p, 3 p together, k7 p, yo, repeat from 1 p
Out r: pn, * k17, p1, repeat from *
Zigzag pattern B:
1 — 10 р: вязать узор зигзаг А.
11 r: knit, after each loop make 2 yarn overs.
12 r: knit, lower the yarn overs from the knitting needle.
13 — 20 р: вязать узор зигзаг А.
Openwork pattern:
The number of loops is a multiple of 8 +3 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the pattern. The diagram shows only lime rows. In purl rows, knit all loops and yarn overs.
Start with the edge loop and loops before the repeat, constantly repeat the repeat, finish with loops after the repeat and edge. Knit once from the 1st to the 30th row

Facial surface: Knit r: knit p. Purl p: purl p.
Sequence of nodes:
30 rows of openwork pattern, 2 rows of stockinette stitch, repeat from *
Knitting density:
23 п и 40 р — 10х10 см — узор зигзаг А 23 п и 28,5-29 р — 10х10 см — узор зигзаг В 21 р и 29,5 р — 10х10 см — последовательность узоров
Cast on 111 sts and knit purl 1 row of sts. This row will not be considered mentioned in the further description.
Дальше вязать следующим образом: 10 рядов узором зигзаг А, 30 рядов ажурным узором, равномерно убавить 10 п = 101 п, 20 рядов узором зигзаг В, равномерно прибавить 10 п — 111 п. потом продолжить последовательностью узоров, при этом в 1-м ряду равномерно убавить 10 п — 101 п.
Sleeve armholes:
At a height of 31 = 94 rows from the beginning, close the armholes on both sides with 4 sts, then in every 2nd row, 2 sts and 2 times 1 st = 85 sts.
Make sure each yarn over has 2 stitches knitted together and vice versa.
Neckline and Shoulders:
На высоте 50 см — 150 рядов от начала закрыть средние 19 п и каждую сторону/плечо закончить раздельно. Со стороны выреза горловины закрыть 1 раз 4 п и 1 раз 3 п. На высоте 52 см = 156 рядов от начала закрыть оставшиеся 26 п плеча
Before knitting like a back, but at a height of 45.5 cm = 136 rows from the beginning, close off the middle 9 sts for the neckline. Then, from the side of the neckline, close off in every 2nd row 1x4, 2x2 and 3x1 sts, then in every 4th row p .
Cast on 57 sts and knit purl 1 row of sts. This row will not be considered mentioned in the further description. Then knit as follows: 10 rows with a zigzag pattern A, then continue with a sequence of patterns, while in the first row evenly decrease 4 sts = 53
Sleeve extensions:
At a height of 3 cm = 12 rows from the beginning, add 1 stitch on both sides. Then alternately in every 4th and 6th row 7x1 stitches, knit new loops according to the pattern = 69 stitches.
Sleeve roll:
At a height of 16 cm = 50 rows from the beginning, close off 4 sts on both sides. Then in every 2nd row 1x2, 14x1, 1x2, 1x3 and іх4 sts. At a height of 29 cm = 88 rows from the beginning, close off the remaining 11 sts.

Close shoulder seams. Using circular knitting needles, cast on approximately 80 stitches along the neckline and knit 2 cm in garter stitch. then close all the loops.
Sew in the sleeves, close the side seams and sleeve seams.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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