Size: 36/38(40/42) and 44/46.

Data for size 36/38 appears before the bracket, for size 40/42 in brackets and size 44/46 after brackets
If there is only one number, it is valid for all sizes.
Material: 300(325)375 g of Gedifra Easy Soft yarn (48% mohair, 42% polyamide, 10% cashmere, 150 m/25g), color 8621 orange.

Knitting needles No. 2-2.5 and hook No. 5.
Rubber: K2, p2.
Зубчики»: The number of loops should be divided by 36 +1 +2 edges of the loop. Knit according to the pattern. It shows only the front rows.
Knit purl rows according to the pattern, knit yarn overs purl.
For sleeves knit 1-34 rows, for collar 1-33 rows

Резинка, на спицах 2-2,5, слегка растянутая в ширину 30 пет. х34 ряда = 10х10 см. «Зубчики» 24 пет х23 ряда = 10х10 см
Decrease 2 loops: The purl row begins modestly, k2. and ends with 2 persons, chrome.
Decrements are made in every 4 rows, 2 loops at once.
On the right side for the 1st decrease: * chrome, knit 1, knit 1, purl 2 stitches together with knit stitch, pull through the removed loop. Knit all stitches for 3 rows, then for the 2nd decrease after the edge, remove 2 stitches for additional stitches. knitting needle at work, then knit together 2 times, one loop with the main one and with the additional one. knitting needles Knit all stitches for 3 rows, then repeat 8 rows from *
On the left side for the 1st decrease :* knit up to the 5th stitch from the end of the stitch, knit 3 stitches together, knit 1, knit 3 rows all together, for the 2nd decrease, knit up to the 5th stitch from the end of the loop, remove 2 loops for additional stitches, knitting needle before work and 2 knit together the front stitch once, one loop from the main one and from the additional one, knitting needles, chrome 3 rows, knit all loops, then repeat 8 rows from *
Back: Cast on 142(150)166 sts and knit with an elastic band, start the first purl row with the edge, purl 1, knit 2. and finish symmetrically.
At a height of 38(36)34 cm for the armhole, decrease 1x5 sts and 1x2 sts in every 2nd row = 128(136)152 sts.
The purl row now begins with the edge, knit 2, and ends symmetrically. Now in every 4th row, decrease another 4x2 (4x2) 6x2 stitches as described above.
At a height of 56 cm, close all loops.
Left shelf: Cast on 114 (118) 126 sts and knit with an elastic band, start the first purl row with the edge, purl 1, knit 2, and finish symmetrically.
At a height of 20 cm for the neckline, bind off 11 stitches on the left side = 103(107)115 sts.
The purl row now ends with knit 2, except
Then in every 4th row decrease 2 loops 30 times, as described above
At the same time, at a height of 38 (36) 34 cm, start knitting the sleeve armhole as on the back
At a height of 56 cm, bind off the remaining 28 (32) 36 sts.
Right shelf knit symmetrically.
Набрать 75 п. и первый ряд вязать лицевыми, потом «зубчиками».
In the 34th row, dial on 7 sts evenly = 82 sts.
Next knit with an elastic band: after the chrome. K1, p2, finish k1, chrome
For bevels, add 8x1p on both sides in every 12th row (14x1p in every 8th row) and 16x1p in every 6th row. and in every 4th row 4x1p. = 98(110)122 loops.
At a height of 35 cm from the border, close on both sides 3 (5) 7 p. = 92 (100) 108 p.
Then in every 4th row decrease 12 x 2 sts, as described above = 44 (52) 60 sts.
At a height of 50 cm from the border, knit the purl row as follows: edge, k1, * k2 together. (Slip 1 p., pull 1 knit through the removed loop). 2 persons together.
Repeat from *, person 1, chrome. In the next row, purl the loops.
Cast on 509 sts and purl the first row,
next row: chrome, knit 1, 14 x repeat of 36 stitches, knit 2, chrome
Row 34 (purl knit as follows: chrome, purl 1, knit 4 together, knit 5 together, knit 20, * knit 3x5 together, knit 21, repeat 13 times from *, knit 5 together, knit 3 together knit, purl 1, edging = 340 p.
Then knit with an elastic band, start the front row with the edge, k2. and finish the symmetry. After 12 cm of elastic band, close the loops.
Stretch the pieces according to the pattern and let dry under a wet towel.
Close the seams and sew in the sleeves.
Sew the collar into the neckline.
For the ties, knit 4 chains of air loops approximately 28 cm long in 10 folds.
At one end tie a tassel of 10 threads approximately 8 cm long.
Sew ties onto the jacket at a height of approximately 20 cm, one at a time on the front edges of the shelves, 1 outside on the seam on the right and 1 inside on the seam on the left
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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