A beautiful seamless raglan sweater is knitted with Aran patterns: “Braids”, “Honeycombs” and a pearl pattern from gray wool blend yarn.
Dimensions: 38/40.

You will need: yarn (55% sheep wool, 33% polyacrylic, 12% cashmere; 90 m/50 g) - 700 g sulfur; short and long circular needles No. 5.
Rubber. Knitting in the round: the number of loops is a multiple of 4. In odd and even rows, knit: * k1, p2, k1, from * repeat.
Pearl pattern. Odd rows/knit rows: alternate knit 1, purl 1. Even rows/purl. rows: purl. knit stitches, knit. loops - purl.
Pattern of “braids” a (initially on 12 p.). Knit in the round according to pattern 1. The pattern shows odd rows. In even rows, knit loops according to the pattern or as indicated, yarn overs - as indicated. In each odd row, add 1 stitch on both sides, as shown in the diagram. After 64 r. on knitting needles 76 sts. In height from 1st to 64th row. perform 1 time, then knit according to the pattern, while repeating the repeats of individual “braids” on the middle 54 stitches, highlighted in gray, constantly repeat in height, and knit with a pearl pattern on both sides of the middle loops.

Honeycomb pattern (32 p.). Knit according to pattern 2. The pattern shows odd rows/knits. rows. In even rows/purl. knit loops in rows according to the pattern. The width of the rapport is 8 sts. Knit 4 times.

Braid pattern b (initially 36 p.). Knit like the “braid” pattern A, but instead of the middle 8 sts, knit with the “Honeycomb” pattern for 32 sts. In height from the 1st to the 64th r. perform 1 time. After 64 r. on knitting needles 100 sts. Next, knit according to the description of the work for the back, first in rows in forward and reverse directions, then in the round. After 64th r. on the middle 32 p. continue working with the “Honeycomb” pattern, repeating in height from the 1st to the 8th p. and on both sides of this pattern, repeat the repeats in height, highlighted in gray, respectively, continuing the pearl pattern. When knitting according to the pattern in rows in forward and reverse directions: only the front rows are given in the pattern; in the purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern or as indicated.
Knitting density: 22 p. x 26 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with size 5 knitting needles.
Attention! The product is knitted from top to bottom without seams as a single piece. The arrows on the pattern indicate the knitting direction. The product in areas with a pearl pattern is slightly pulled in height (this is not reflected on the pattern). For greater clarity, the pattern details are shown separately, with new stitches that are cast on between the front and back being added to the back.
Description of knitting a sweater with arans
On short circular needles No. 5, cast on 96 sts and close the row, marking the beginning of the row. Knit in the round for a 15 cm collar with an elastic band.
Next, for the round yoke, knit, distributing the loops of the patterns as follows: 12 sts of the braid pattern A (= left sleeve), 36 sts of the braid pattern B (= front), 12 sts of the braid pattern A (= right sleeve) and 36 stitches of braid pattern A (= back).
If necessary, as you add more stitches, switch to long circular needles. After 24.5 cm = 64 r. from the collar (= end of the yoke) on knitting needles: 76 stitches each for sleeves and 100 stitches each for front and back = 352 stitches in total.
After this, leave the first 252 stitches temporarily; on the last 100 stitches, knit the back in rows in forward and reverse directions. After 3 cm = 8 r. from the beginning of separate knitting (= 27.5 cm = 72 r. from the collar), the back loops, cast on 9 sts on both sides of them, connect with the remaining 100 sts in front.
On all 218 stitches continue working in the circle, on the newly cast on loops - with a pearl pattern.
After 55.5 cm = 144 rubles. from the collar (measured along the back), resp. 52.5 cm = 136 rub. from the collar (measured along the front), knit for the bottom bar on the loops of the outer “braids” (4 sts) according to the pattern, between them with an elastic band, and distribute the pattern so that on both sides of the “braids” (4 sts) .) were 2 purl; besides this in the 1st r. in purl paths after, respectively, before the outer “braids” (for 4 p.), knit 2 p. together once, purl, and inside all “braids” (for 12 p.) the 4th and 5th p., and also knit the 8th and 9th stitches together purlwise (6 stitches are decreased on the front and back) = 206 stitches.
If the width of the bottom bar is 6 cm, close the loops according to the drawing.
Then knit the right sleeve: from 9 newly cast on loops between the front and back, cast on 9 p., along the side edge of the back in a section of 8 p. cast on 5 sts, transfer the remaining 76 sts of the sleeve to the knitting needles, close the row and continue knitting for all 90 sts according to the pattern, knit with a pearl pattern on the newly cast on loops.
At the same time, starting from the end of the yoke, decrease to narrow the sleeves 14 times in every 5th r. 2 sts each: knit the last 2 sts of the pearl pattern before the braid pattern, as well as the first 2 sts of the pearl pattern after the braid pattern, together according to the pattern.
As the stitches decrease, switch to shorter circular needles.
After the decreases have been made on the needles, 62 sts.
After 52.5 cm = 136 rubles. from the collar, continue working with an elastic band, while in the 1st row. in the section of the braid pattern, subtract 6 sts, as described for the front and back = 56 sts.
After 15 cm from the beginning of the elastic band, close the loops according to the drawing.
The left sleeve is knitted symmetrically to the right sleeve.

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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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У нежно-сиреневой модели с переплетением «кос» разной величины не только свободный, струящийся силуэт, но и роскошная пряжа, которая создает выразительный, неповторимый по красоте узор.
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