Двухцветный жакет без застежки
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Coats, cardigans, jackets

Two-tone jacket without fastening

вязаный жакет

Такой удобный жакет без застежки жаль носить только дома, он идеально подходит для прогулок по городу и даже для похода в театр. Здесь вновь солирует узор из снятых петель — на этот раз в форме ромбов

Dimensions: 38/40 (42/44) 46/48


You will need: пряжа (90% шерсти альпака, 5% полиамида, 5% овечьей шерсти; 140 м/50 г) — 400 (450) 550 г черной и 250 (300) 350 г натурально — белой; спицы № 5 и 7; круговые спицы № 5.

Pattern 1: резинка (число петель кратно 4 + 2 кромочные). Лицевые рады: кромочная, » 1 лицевая, 2 изнаночные, 1 лицевая, от » постоянно повторять, кромочная. Изнаночные ряды: петли провязывать по рисунку.

Pattern 2: лицевая гладь = лицевые ряды — лицевые петли, изнаночные ряды — изнаночные петли.

вязаный жакет

Pattern 3: pattern from removed loops (the number of loops is a multiple of 16 + 2 edge loops) knit sog. scheme. It shows only the facial rows; in the purl rows, knit the loops purlwise, while removing the removed loops (thread before work). Start with a loop in front of the right arrow, constantly repeat the repeat of 16 sts between the arrows and end with a loop after the left arrow. Perform 1-42nd r. 1 time, then constantly repeat 3 42nd r.

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 Sequence of stripes: alternately 2 p. natural white, 2 r. black thread.

Knitting density: узор 3 — 17 п. х 31 р. = 10 x 10 см.

вязаный жакет

Back: With black thread on knitting needles No. 5, cast on 98 (114) 130 sts and for the bottom bar knit 15 cm = 39 r. pattern 1. At the same time, start with 1 purl row.

Continue working on needles No. 7 using pattern 3 acc. sequence of stripes.

After 54 cm = 168 r. (55 cm = 170 rub.) 58 cm = 180 rub. From the bottom bar, divide the work in the middle to cut out the neckline and finish both sides separately.

After 60 cm = 186 r. (62 cm = 192 rub.) 66 cm = 204 rub. from the bottom bar close 49 (57) 65 p.

вязаный жакет

Left shelf: With black thread on knitting needles No. 5, cast on 49 (57) 65 sts and for the bottom bar knit 15 cm = 39 r. pattern 1, while in the 1st r. (= 1 purl row) after the edge, start with 2 knits, 2 purls and finish with 1 purl and 1 edge.

Continue working on needles No. 7 using pattern 3 acc. sequence of stripes, while in the 1st p. add 1 p. = 50 (58) 66 p. and for size 2, finish with the first 8 p. of repeat and 1 hem.

 After 60 cm = 186 r. (62 cm = 192 rub.) 66 cm = 204 rub. From the bottom bar, close all loops.

Right shelf: knit in the same way as the left front, but in a mirror image.

Sleeves: Using black thread on knitting needles No. 5, cast on 46 (50) 58 sts for each sleeve and knit 17 cm 47 r for the placket. pattern 1, at the same time start with 1 purl row and in the last row of the bar evenly add 28 sts. 74 (78) 86 sts.

Continue working on needles No. 7 using pattern 3 acc. sequence of stripes, while after the edging, start with the last 4 (6) 2 stitches of repeat, perform 4 (4) 5 x 16 stitches of repeat between the arrows and finish with the first 4 (6) 2 stitches of repeat and 1 edging.

After 32 cm = 100 rub. (34 cm = 106 rub.) 37 cm = 114 rub. close all loops from the bar.

вязаный жакет

 Assembly: sew shoulder seams.

For the strap, use black thread on circular knitting needles to cast on the sides of the shelves and the edge

back neckline 316 (326) 346 p. and knit 8 r. pattern 2.

Close the loops. Sew in the sleeves.

Sew sleeve seams and side seams.

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