Прекрасный свитер Чертополох — женственно, мило, романтично!
Красивая модель женского свитера с круглой кокеткой, связанного из смесовой шерсти спицами 3.5 мм. Свитер вяжется по кругу от двойного воротника, на кокетке выполнен цветочный жаккардовый узор, по спинке — росток.
Dimensions: XS/S(M)L(XL)XXL
Bust (finished product): 94(102)110(118)126 cm
Front length: 56(58)60(62)64 cm
Back length: 59(61)63(65)67 cm
Sleeve length: 46(47)48(48)49 cm
You will need it. Yarn Novita Muumitalo (75% wool, 25% polyamide, 100 g/225 m) 500(550)600(650)700 grams white <100(<100)100(100)100 grams gray, circular and stocking needles 3.5 mm
Knitting density. 23 stitches and 32 rows = 10x10 cm in stockinette stitch.
Yoke. On circular knitting needles, loosely cast on 104(110)114(114)120 sts with white thread, mark the beginning of the circle in the center of the back with a marker. Start knitting with an elastic band 1x1 (1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch), after 7 cm switch to stockinette stitch, while in the 1st round evenly add 6(10)16(16)20 stitches = 110(120 )130(130)140 p. Now start working according to the pattern from the 1st row, repeat the repeat of 10 + 2 p. 11(12)13(13)14 times = 132(144)156(156)168 p. Knit rows 2-52 of the pattern, add 2 stitches in rows 3, 6, 10, 13, 19, 22, 26 and 29 = 308(336)364(364)392 sts.
Then continue with only white thread, after 2 rounds begin knitting shortened rows:
Row 1: 99(108)117(117)126 knit stitches, turn knitting, yarn over.
Purl 2: slip 1 stitch and tighten the thread at the back of the work so that the loops of the removed stitch and yarn over are on top of the knitting needle (double loop), purl. to the marker of the beginning of the circle, 98 (107) 116 (116) 125 p., turn knitting, yarn over.
K3: double loop, knit. to the marker for the beginning of the circle, move the marker, knit.p. before last 10 loops before double loop, turn knitting, yarn over.
Purl 4: double loop, purl. to the marker for the beginning of the circle, move the marker, purl. before last 10 loops before double loop, turn knitting, yarn over.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 3 more times. Next continue knitting in stocking stitch in the circle, knitting double loops as knits. together. 20(21)22(22)23 cm from the bottom edge of the elastic in the center of the front to the next. Place the sleeve loops in the circle: knit 46(51)55(56)60 back stitches, set aside the trace. 62(67)72(70)76 p. for additional knitting needle, cast on new 8(8)8(12)12 sts for cutting the sleeves, knit 92(101)110(112)120 sts for the front, set aside the next one. 62(67)72(70)76 p. for additional knitting needle, cast on new 8(8)8(12)12 sts to trim the sleeves, knit to the marker for the beginning of the circle.
Main part = 216(236)252(272)288 p.
knitting in the round, after 6 (7) 7 (8) 8 cm, mark the side seams in the center of the undercut loops with markers. Next in the circle, decrease 1 stitch on each side of these markers: * 1 knit stitch, stretch (slip 1 stitch as knit, 1 knit stitch and stretch the removed stitch over the knitted stitch), knit stitch. before last 3 loops before next. marker, knit 2 together, knit 1, repeat from * again. Repeat this circle of decreases every 2.5 cm 3 more times = 200(220)236(256)272 sts.
After 16(17)17(18)18 cm from the sleeve undercuts, add 1 stitch from the stretch on each side of the side markers to the next. circle, then every 2.5 cm 3 more times = 216(236)252(272)288 p.
After 31 (32) 33 (34) 35 cm from the armholes of the sleeves, knit 5 cm with a 1x1 elastic band, bind off the loops loosely according to the pattern.
Sleeves. Transfer the set aside sleeve loops to stocking needles, pick up 1 new loop from each sleeve undercut loop along the hem edge, place a marker for the beginning of the circle in the center of these loops = 78(84)88(94)100 p. Knit in stockinette stitch 3(3)3 (3)2 cm. In next. in the circle, decrease 1 stitch on each side of the marker: 1 knit stitch, stretch (slip 1 stitch as knit, 1 knit stitch and stretch the removed stitch over the knitted stitch), knit stitch. before last 3 stitches in front of marker, 2 stitches together, knit 1. Repeat this circle of decreases every 3(2.5)2.5(2)2 cm for a total of 12(14)15(18)20 rubles. = 52(54)56(56)58 p. After 41(42)43(43)44 cm from the armhole, knit 5 cm with a 1x1 elastic band, bind off the loops loosely according to the pattern.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
Assembly. Fold the collar elastic to the wrong side. side, sew it carefully, without pulling the fabric.
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About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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