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Knitting, Knitting ideas, Coats, cardigans, jackets

 Jacket with patent elastic trim.

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 Jacket with patent elastic trim.

Dimensions: 1) 34/36 2) 38/20 3) 42/44 4) 46/48 5) 50/52
We recommend Aviso yarn in Romarin color (60% cotton, 40% acrylic; 50g/68m) – 1)15 2) 17 3) 19 4) 20 5) 23 skeins

Knitting needles No. 4 and No. 4.5; hook No. 3.5

Marking rings, 7 buttons with a diameter of 22 mm, knitting needle.

- connecting column (half single crochet)
- smooth surface
- pearl elastic - on the number of loops divisible by 2 + 1 for symmetry + edge. p. on each side:

1st row: all p. persons.
2nd row: 1 chrome. p., 1 p. p., *1 double p. knit. (perform 1 knit stitch across the knitting needle, inserting the right needle not into the corresponding stitch of the left knitting needle, but into the loop below it. Lower the corresponding stitch of the left knitting needle; it will only go down in one row), purl 1. p.*, repeat from * to * and finish with 1 chrome. P.
Repeat these 2 rows all the time.

Check the tightness of the knitting on large samples! 10 cm in satin stitch on needles No. 4.5 = 17 sts and 24 r.

Cast on 1) 75 2) 79 3) 87 4) 93 5) 103 sts on needles No. 4 and knit with pearl elastic, starting the 2nd and all even rows (on the wrong side) with 1 edge st and 1)2 )3)5) 1 double persons. p. 4) 1 p. p. for 6 cm. Continue on knitting needles No. 4.5. satin stitch

At a height of 44 cm from the pearl elastic band, begin the formation of armholes, closing on each side in every 2nd row: 1) 2x2 p., 1x1 p. 2) 1x3 p., 1x2 p. and 1x1 p. 3) 1x4 p. , 1x3 p., 1x2 p. and 1x1 p. 4) 1x4 p., 1x3 p., 2x2 p. and 1x1 p. 5) 1x4 p., 2x3 p., 2x2 p. and 1x1 p. Remaining 1) 65 2)3) 67 4) 69 5) 73 p.

At a height of 1) 59 2) 60 3) 61 4) 62 5) 63 cm from the pearl elastic band, begin shoulder bevels, closing on each side in every 2nd row: 1) 3x1 p. and 2x4 p. 2)3) 4) 4x5 p. and 1x4 p. 5) 1x6 p. and 4x5 p.

Photo taken from open sources
At a height of 1) 63 2) 64 3) 65 4) 66 5) 67 cm from the pearl elastic band, leave the remaining 21 stitches for the neckline on a pin 1)2)3) 19 4)5).

Cast on 1) 31 2) 33 3) 37 4) 40 5) 45 sts on needles No. 4.5 and knit in satin stitch. At a total height of 9 cm, insert the colored thread (mark the location of the pocket). At a total height of 19 cm, leave these stitches on a pinned needle.
The second bottom of the pocket is knitted in the same way.

Cast on 1) 43 2) 45 3) 49 4) 52 5) 57 sts on needles No. 4 and knit with pearl elastic, starting the 2nd and all even rows (on the wrong side) with 1 edge st and 1)2 )3)5) 1 purl. p. 4) 1 double persons. p. and ending with 1 chrome. p. (for greater clarity, knit edge stitches on front side and purl on wrong side) for 6 cm.
Continue on needles No. 4.5 with pearl elastic, distributing 6 loops (for buttons) from 2 loops 3 stitches from the edge, the first at a height of 1) 12 2)4) 13 3)5) 14 cm from the bottom, the next at a distance of 1 )2)3) 10.5 4)5) 11 cm.
Meanwhile, at a total height of 15 cm, leave a pocket pin on the left side in every 2nd r.:
1) *1x3 p. and 2x2 p.*, repeat from * to * 4 times in total, then 1x2 p.
2) *1x3 p. and 1x2 p.*, repeat from * to * 6 times in total, then 1x2 p.
3) *3x3 p. and 1x2 p.*, repeat from * to * 3 times in total, then 1x3 p.
4) 13x3 p.
5) *1x4 p. and 2x3 p.*, repeat from * to * 4 times in total, then 1x4 p.

There will be 13 stitches of pearl elastic left along the front (instead of the fastener bar), close all the remaining loops for the pocket.
Work 12 stitches with pearl ribbing, then place bottom of pocket behind work and knit stitches together. 13th loop of pearl elastic with 1st loop of pocket bottom, then knit in satin stitch 1) 30 2) 32 3) 36 4) 38 5) 44 remaining stitches of pocket bottom.
We have 1) 43 2) 45 3) 49 4) 52 5) 57 stitches. Continue with pearl ribbing and satin stitch as follows: 13 stitches of ribbing, then the remaining loops in satin stitch.
At a total height of 50 cm, start forming armholes, closing on the left in every 2nd row: 1) 2x2 p., 1x1 p. 2) 1x3 p., 1x2 p. and 1x1 p. 3) 1x4 p., 1x3 p. , 1x2 p. and 1x1 p. 4) 1x4 p., 1x3 p., 2x2 p. and 1x1 p. 5) 1x4 p., 2x3 p., 2x2 p. and 1x1 p. Remaining 1) 38 2)3) 39 4) 40 5) 42 p.
At a total height of 1) 65 2) 66 3) 67 4) 68 5) 69 cm, start shoulder bevels, closing on the left in every 2nd row: 1) 3x5 p. and 1x6 p. 2)3)4) 2x5 p. . and 2x6 p. 5) 4x6 p.
At a total height of 1) 66 2) 67 3) 68 4) 69 5) 70 cm, begin forming the neckline, leaving 1x13 stitches on the right needle. 1)2)3) Close after 2 p. 1x4 p. 4)5) Close after 2 p. 1x5 p.
Knit the left front symmetrically to the right without loops.

Cast on 1) 53 2) 55 3) 59 4) 63 5) 67 sts on needles No. 4 and knit with pearl elastic, starting the 2nd and all even rows (on the wrong side) with 1 edge st and 1) 2 double persons p. 2)3)4)5) 1 purl. p. for 6 cm.
Continue on 4.5 needles using satin stitch and pearl ribbing, distributing stitches as follows:

1) 19 2) 20 3) 22 4) 24 5) 26 stitches in satin stitch, 15 stitches in pearl ribbing, starting and ending even rows with k1 double. sts and 1) 19 2) 20 3) 22 4) 24 5) 26 stitches.
1)2) Knit straight
3)4)5) Add on each side: 4) after 44 p.: 1x1 p. 4)5) after 30 p.: 1x1 p. and after another 28 p.: 1x1 p.
As a result, we get 1) 53 2) 55 3) 61 4) 67 5) 71 p.
At a total height of 42 cm, start rolling the sleeves, closing on each side in every 2nd row: 1) 1x3 p., 1x2 p., 3x1 p., then in every 4th row: 4x1 p. and in each 2nd r.: 2x1 p., 1x2 p. and 1x3 p. 2) 1x3 p., 2x2 p., 2x1 p., then in every 4th r.: 4x1 p. and in every 2nd r. .: 2x1 p., 1x2 p. and 1x3 p. 3) 1x3 p., 2x2 p., 4x1 p., then in every 4th p.: 2x1 p. and in every 2nd p.: 3x1 p. ., 2x2 p. and 1x3 p. 4) 1x3 p., 3x2 p., 10x1 p., 2x2 p. and 1x3 p. 5) 1x3 p., 4x2 p., 8x1 p., 3x2 p. and 1x3 p. .
There will be 15 stitches left, continue straight with a pearl elastic band.
At a total height of 1) 67.5 2)3)4) 68.5 5) 69.5 cm, close 1 stitch and leave on the right (transfer to a pin) in every 2nd row: 1x4 stitches, 1x5 stitches, 1x4 stitches. and close the last paragraph.
The second sleeve is knitted symmetrically.

Sew the sleeves to the back and front (the long part corresponds to the back). Transfer the remaining loops to the knitting needles as follows: 13 sts of pearl elastic on the shelf; pick up 1)2)3) 4 4)5) 6 p. along the closed loops of the neck; 13 p. of the first sleeve; 1)2)3) 19 4)5) 21 p. back; 13 sts of the second sleeve; pick up 1)2)3) 4 4)5) 6 sts along the closed loops of the neck of the second shelf and 13 sts of pearl elastic. Knit on size 4 needles with pearl ribbing. We have 1)2)3) 79 4)5) 85 p. At a height of 6.5 cm of the collar, make one loop of two p. 3 p. from the edge. At a height of 8 cm of the collar, loosely close all the loops.

Place the pocket to the tag, then sew it with a blind stitch to the wrong side. Art. products. Hem the loops and sew on the buttons. Using hook No. 3.5, make one row of connections. columns on the wrong side along the edges. n. shelves to fix the parts according to the dimensions of the corresponding patterns.

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