A warm, elongated pullover with a jacquard pattern amazes with its nobility and extravagance.
Dimensions: 40/42 (44/46) 48/50.

You will need: yarn (62% natural wool, 26% mohair, 12% polyamide; 175 m/50 g) – 400 (450) 450 g blue-gray; yarn (46% baby alpaca wool, 30% cotton, 8% natural wool, 8% polyester, 8% polyamide; 150 m/50 g) – 150 (200) 200 g khaki/brown; knitting needles No. 5,5 and 6; long and short circular knitting needles No. 6; short circular needles No. 5.5.
Elastic band 2 x 2: knitting needles No. 5.5, the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 2 edge stitches. After the initial row, start with 1 purl row: edge, * 1 purl, 2 knits, 1 purl, from * constantly repeat, edge.
Knit the following patterns on needles No. 6!
Facial surface.
“Braid” for 6 loops: knit according scheme. It shows facial rows. In the purl rows, knit all the loops according to the pattern. Repeat rows 1-4 constantly

Emphasized decreases: at the beginning of the row, knit 2 stitches together; at the end of the row, knit 2 loops together with a slant to the left (slip 1 loop as a knit stitch, 1 knit stitch, then pull it through the removed loop), edge stitch.
All jacquard patterns include: knit according corresponding to the counting pattern using stockinette stitch threads from different balls in the Norwegian technique, while the unused thread is freely pulled on the wrong side of the work. All rows/circular rows are given in the diagrams.
Jacquard pattern A: 1 rapport = 10 p. + 1, knit according to. counting pattern 1 in rows in forward and reverse directions. Repeat the repeat constantly, but distribute the pattern on all parts so that the given 11 loops are constantly located in the middle. Complete rows 1-14 once.

Jacquard pattern B: the number of loops is initially a multiple of 20, knit according to. counting pattern in 2 circular rows. Repeat rapport constantly. Perform 1-54th circular rows 1 time, while performing decreases according to. scheme. After 54 circular rows, the number of loops will be a multiple of 4.

Knitting density:
20 p. x 28 r. = 10 x 10 cm – elastic 2 x 2 and “oblique” for 6 loops;
18 p. x 20 r. = 10 x 10 cm – with 2 x 2 elastic and jacquard pattern A;
18 p. x 21 round. = 10 x 10 cm – jacquard pattern B.
Back: Using a blue-gray thread, cast on 102 (110) 118 stitches on the knitting needles and knit 4.5 cm = 13 rows for the placket with a 2 x 2 elastic band, starting with 1 purl row and in the last purl row, evenly distributing, add 6 stitches = 108 (116) 124 p. Continue working as follows: edge stitch, 10 (14) 18 p. in stockinette stitch, * 6 p. in bias stitch, 14 p. in stockinette stitch, from * repeat 3 more times, finish 6 p. “ oblique”, 10 (14) 18 stitches in stockinette stitch, edge stitch. After 30.5 cm = 86 rows from the bar, knit on all loops 1 cm = 2 rows (2 cm = 4 rows) 3 cm = 6 rows in stockinette stitch with blue-gray thread, while in the 1st row (= front row) decrease 2 loops over each “braid” as follows: 1 knit stitch, knit 2 loops together, knit 2 loops together tilting to the left, 1 knit = 98 (106) 114 sts. To balance the pattern in the next purl row, decrease 1 more loop in the middle = 97 (105) 113 p. Continue working with jacquard pattern A, spreading the pattern from the middle. At the same time, after 2 cm = 4 rows from the end of the front satin stitch and the “braid”, i.e. in the 3rd row of jacquard pattern A (1st row of jacquard pattern A) close the 5th row of the front satin stitch for a raglan bevel on both sides 1 x 2 p., then in every 2nd row, underline decrease 5 (6) 7 x 1 p. After 8 cm = 16 rows (9 cm = 18 rows) 10 cm = 20 rows from the end of the front stitch and the “braid” remaining 83 (89) 95 p. leave. Before knitting like a back.
Sleeves: With a blue-gray thread, cast on 54 (58) 62 loops on the knitting needles for each sleeve and for the placket, knit 3 cm = 9 rows with an elastic band 2 x 2, while starting with 1 purl row and in the last purl row, evenly distributing, add 6 ( 8) 10 p. = 60 (66) 72 p. Continue working as follows: edge stitch, 6 (9) 12 p. in stockinette stitch, * 6 p. in bias stitch, 14 p. in stockinette stitch, from * repeat 1 more time , finish 6 stitches with oblique stitch, 6 (9) 12 stitches with stockinette stitch, edge stitch. At the same time, in the 3rd row from the bar, add 1 x 1 stitch on both sides to bevel the sleeves, then in every 4th row 16 x 1 stitch, while on both sides the first 8 (5) 2 increases are knitted with stockinette stitch, the next 6 increases - “oblique” and all other increases - with stockinette stitch = 94 (100) 106 sts. At the same time, after 23 cm = 64 rows from the bar, knit on all loops 1 cm = 2 rows (2 cm = 4 rows) 3 cm = 6 rows of stockinette stitch with blue-gray thread, while in the 1st row from changing the pattern, make a decrease over each “braid” and in the next purl row, 1 decrease in the middle, as on the back = 83 (89) 95 p. Continue working with the jacquard pattern And, at the same time, distribute the pattern from the middle. At the same time, after 2 cm = 4 rows from the end of the stockinette stitch and the “braid”, make a raglan bevel, as on the back. After 8 cm = 16 rows (9 cm = 18 rows) 10 cm = 20 rows from the end of the front stitch and the “braid”, leave the remaining 69 (73) 77 stitches.
Yoke: Cast on the remaining loops of the back, 1st sleeve, front and 2nd sleeves alternately on long circular needles No. 6 and knit on all 304 (324) 344 loops with a jacquard pattern B, while in the 1st circular row on all details knit matching edge together knit = 300 (320) 340 p., or 15 (16) 17 repeats. Perform decreases in each rapport according to pattern: if necessary, switch to shorter circular needles No. 6. After 25.5 cm = 54 circular rows from the beginning of knitting the yoke, there will be another 60 (64) 68 stitches left. Switch to circular knitting needles No. 5.5 and for the collar, thread color. khaki/brown knit 12 cm with ribbing in 2 x 2 circular rows. Then loosely close the loops according to the pattern.
Assembly: sew side seams, short raglan seams and sleeve seams.
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Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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