A fashionable model of a women's sweater knitted with openwork stripes and raglan sleeves.
Russian sizes: 44/46 (50)

You will need: yarn – Austermann “Flake Dance” (66% cotton, 21% polyacrylic, 5% wool, 5% polyamide, 3% alpaca wool; 100 m/50 g) 500 (600) g natural white; knitting needles No. 5.5; circular knitting needles No. 5.5.

Rubber (odd number of loops):
Front rows: alternately 1 purl loop, 1 knit loop, finish with 1 purl loop.
In purl rows knit loops according to the pattern.
False patent pattern (the number of loops is a multiple of 4 + 1 + 2 chrome stitches):
Front rows: * 1 purl loop, 3 knit stitches *, constantly repeat from * to *, finish with 1 purl loop.
Purl rows: 1 knit stitch, * 1 knit stitch, 1 purl loop, 2 knit stitches *, constantly repeat from * to *.
Circular rows (number of loops is a multiple of 4):
1st round row: * 1 purl loop, 3 knit loops *, constantly repeat from * to *.
2nd round row: * 2 purl loops, 1 knit stitch, 1 purl loop *, constantly repeat from * to *.
Constantly repeat the 1st and 2nd circular rows.
Openwork pattern A (for 9 loops): knit according to pattern 1.
The diagram shows only the front rows, in the purl rows the loops are knitted according to the pattern, the yarn overs are knitted purlwise.
Repeat constantly from rows 1 to 8.

Openwork pattern B (for 13 loops): knit according to pattern 2.
The diagram shows only the front rows, in the purl rows the loops are knitted according to the pattern, the yarn overs are knitted purlwise.
Perform 1 time from the 1st to the 14th rows, then constantly repeat from the 3rd to the 14th rows.

Emphasized decrease on the front and back:
right edge: Knit the first 2 loops after the raglan strap together with a slant to the left (slip 1 loop as a knit stitch, 1 knit loop, then pull it through the removed loop);
left edge: Knit the last 2 stitches before the raglan placket together.
Emphasized decrease on the sleeve:
right edge: knit the first 2 loops after the edge together with a tilt to the left;
left edge: Knit the last 2 stitches before the edge stitch together.
Average knitting density: 14.5 p. and 22.5 rub. = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of knitting
Cast on 71 (79) stitches on the knitting needles and knit 5 cm with an elastic band for the placket. Continue working with a false patent pattern.
After 29.5 cm = 66 r. (26 cm = 58 r.) From the plank, continue working for the raglan plank as follows: chrome. p., 9 p. openwork pattern A, on middle 51 (59) p. continue working with a false patent pattern, 9 p. openwork pattern A, chrome. P.
At the same time, it is emphasized to decrease for the raglan bevel in the 1st row on both sides 1 time for 1 p., then in every 4th row 8 (10) times for 1 p. and in each 2nd row 13 times for 1 p.
After 56 cm = 126 rubles. close off the remaining 27 (31) sts from the bar.

На спицы набрать 71 (79) п. и связать планку, как на спинке.
Продолжить работу следующим образом: кром. п., 28 (32) п. ложным патентным узором – при этом постоянно повторять раппорт – 13 п. ажурным узором В, 28 (32) п. ложным патентным узором – при этом начать со 2-й петли раппорта, раппорт постоянно повторять, закончить петлёй после раппорта – кром. п.
Perform raglan strips and bevels as on the back.
Одновременно через 51,5 см = 116 р. от планки для горловины закрыть средние 13 (17) п. и обе стороны закончить раздельно.
Для скругления по внутреннему краю закрыть в каждом 2-м ряду 1 раз 2 п. и 3 раза 1 п.
Горловина переходит в подчёркнутые убавки регланных скосов.
Если подчёркнутые убавки больше невозможны, постоянно выполнять убавки по краю горловины.
At the height of the back, close off the remaining 2 stitches. They belong to the neck.

On the knitting needles, cast on 35 (39) stitches for each sleeve and knit 5 cm with an elastic band for the placket. Continue working with a false patent pattern.
At the same time, to bevel the sleeves, add on both sides in every 8th row from the bar 8 times 1 p. and in every 6th row 2 times 1 p. (in each 8th row 4 times 1 p. and in every 6th row 6 times 1 p.) according to the pattern = 55 (59) p.
After 35.5 cm = 80 rub. (32 cm = 72 rubles) from the bar, emphasize the decrease for a raglan bevel on both sides 1 time, 1 p., then emphasize, in every 4th row, 8 (10) times, 1 p. and in every 2nd row 13 times 1 p.
After 62 cm = 140 rub. close off the remaining 11 sts from the bar.

Sew raglan seams.
For a golf collar, use circular needles to cast on 76 (84) stitches along the edge of the neckline and knit in a false patent pattern in circular rows. After 20 cm from the start of knitting the collar, do not close all the loops too tightly.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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