This stylish Cameron knit jacket features a beautiful two-tone pattern, fastens at the top with hidden hooks and eyes and is knitted in one piece to the armholes.

Attention: perform garter stitch in rows in forward and reverse directions; when changing colors, pull the non-working thread along the wrong side of the work. Cross the threads at the end of each row.
Make sure the threads run freely enough to prevent the fabric from wrinkling.
Jacquard patterns according to counted patterns A (from the 15th row) and B are knitted using the jacquard technique in stockinette stitch.
Open cast-on: using auxiliary thread and crochet hook No. 4, make an initial chain of chain stitches approximately 5 chain stitches more than the number of stitches required for the cast-on. Turn the work, with black thread and on circular knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on and knit the required number of loops through the holes in the air loops, leaving the rest of the chain unworked. Turn the work and continue knitting on these loops (do not connect the loops into a ring).
Casting on the loops using hollow cord: cast on 3 loops on the left needle. *Knit 2, knit 2 stitches together with a knit stitch crossed, transfer these 3 stitches back to the left needle, repeat from * until only 3 stitches remain on the left needle. Cut the thread, leaving a 10 cm long end, with which to secure these loops at the beginning of the row/round.
Decrease 1 loop with a slip: slip off 2 loops one by one, like knit stitches, then thread the left knitting needle into the removed loops from left to right behind the front walls of these loops and knit both loops together with a knit stitch behind the back wall.
Front stitch: front rows, front loops, purl rows, purl loops.
Garter stitch: knit and purl rows of knit stitches.

Description of knitting Cameron jacket
Front and back
Using crochet hook No. 4 on circular needles No. 3.5 and black thread, open cast on 195 (219: 243: 267: 291) loops.
Starting with the front row, knit rows 1-14 of counting pattern A using garter stitch.
Switch to needles number 4.

Next, knit with a jacquard pattern according to counting pattern A until the end of the 35th row, while starting from the front row.
Continue working with the jacquard pattern according to counting pattern B until the height of the piece is 25.5 (25.5: 28: 28: 30) cm from the cast-on row or the desired length to the beginning of the armhole (last row = purl row).

Division into shelf and back
Next row (= front row): knit according to the pattern 42 (48: 54: 58: 62) loops, then knit another 12 (12: 14: 16: 20) loops according to the pattern and put these loops aside, knit according to the pattern 87 (99: 107: 119: 127) loops, knit according to pattern 12 (12: 14: 16: 20) loops and set aside these 12 (12: 14: 16: 20) loops, knit according to pattern 42 (48: 54: 58: 62) loops to the end of the row. Cut the thread.
Set aside two groups of stitches of 42 (48: 54: 58: 62) stitches.
In the purl row, work 87 (99: 107: 119: 127) back stitches and knit according to the pattern, while in each row decrease on both sides 0 (0: 2: 6: 8) times 1 loop, then in each next knit row 6 (9: 9: 9: 9) more times 1 stitch = 75 (81: 85: 89: 93) stitches.
Knit according to the pattern without decreasing until the height of the piece is 20 (21: 22: 23.5: 24.5) cm from the beginning of the armholes (last row = purl row). Cut the thread and set the loops aside.

Left shelf
In the purl row, work 42 (48: 54: 58: 62) loops of the left front and continue knitting according to the pattern, while in each row decrease 1 loop from the outer edge 0 (0: 2: 6: 8) times, then each knit row another 6 (9: 9: 9: 9) times 1 stitch = 36 (39: 48: 43: 45) stitches.
Next, knit according to the pattern until the height of the piece is 9.5 (10.5: 11: 12: 12) cm from the beginning of the armhole (last row = purl row).
Next row (=knit row) pattern up to last 12 (12:14:14:16) stitches and slip these 12 (12:14:14:16) stitches.
Turn work = 24 (27: 29: 29: 29) stitches.
Knit 1 purl row according to the pattern.

Next, knit according to the pattern, while from the inner edge in each front row, decrease 6 (7: 8: 7: 6) times 1 loop = 18 (20: 21: 22: 23) loops.
Continue working on the pattern without decreasing until the height of the piece is equal to the height of the back to the shoulder line, while finishing in the same row of the counting pattern as the back.
Cut the thread and set the loops aside.
Right shelf
Knit like the left front, but in a mirror image.

Sew shoulder seams using the third needle on 18 (20: 22: 25: 26) stitches on each shoulder using 3.5 needles.
On stocking needles No. 3.25, starting from the middle of the set aside stitches for the armhole, transfer the set aside 6 (6: 7: 8: 10) loops for each sleeve and knit them with black thread, cast on and knit 32 (35: 37) : 38: 40) loops to the shoulder seam, cast on and knit 1 loop from the seam, make a mark with a contrasting thread, cast on and knit 33 (36: 38: 39: 41) loops to the beginning of the armhole, transfer and knit the remaining set aside 6 (6: 7: 8: 10) loops.
Connect the loops into a ring and mark the beginning of the circular row with a contrasting thread = 78 (84: 90: 94: 102) loops.
Switch to double needles No. 3.5.
Next, knit in short rows.
Row 1 (=knit row): Knit up to the shoulder seam mark, knit 6 (7:7:7:7), loop around and turn work.
2nd row (= purl row): purl to the shoulder neck mark, purl 6 (7: 7: 7: 7), loop around and turn work.
Attention: the entwined loops do not have to be knitted together with the entwining thread.
3rd row: knit until the entwined loop, knit the entwined loop, entwine the loop and turn the work.
4th row: purl until the loop is wrapped, purl the wrapped loop, twist the loop and turn the work.
Repeat last 2 rows 26 (28: 30: 31: 33) times.
Next round: Knit until the end of the round.
Don't turn the work around.
Continue working in stockinette stitch on all stitches until the sleeve measures 10 (10: 10: 12: 12) cm from the armhole.
Circular row with decreases: knit 1, knit 2 stitches together, knit until the last 3 stitches, decrease 1 knit stitch, knit 1 = decrease 2 loops.
Continue working in stockinette stitch and at the same time perform a circular row with decreases every next 4 (4: 3: 3: 3) round 14 (17: 20: 19: 23) times = 48 (48: 48: 54: 54) loops .
Continue knitting without decreasing until the sleeve length is 35.5 cm from the armhole.
Switch to double needles No. 3.25.
Work rows 1-14 of the jacquard pattern according to counted pattern C, with each row ending with 12 (12: 12: 6: 6) stitches of the pattern.

Close the loops using hollow cord.
Fastener bar (= 2 parts)
On circular knitting needles No. 3.25, with black thread on the right side, pick up and knit 78 (78: 90: 90: 102) stitches along the front edge of each front.
Knit 3 rows.
Next row (= front row): perform the 1st row of the pattern according to counting pattern A, starting with the 1st loop and ending with the 6th loop of the pattern.
Continue knitting according to counting pattern A until the end of the 14th row. Switch to needles No. 3.5 and cut the black thread. Using white thread, knit 16 rows using stockinette stitch. Bind off the loops, leaving an end of thread about 110 (110: 120: 120: 140) cm long.
Turn the fastener bar in half along the wrong side and secure the edge with a hidden seam along the cast-on row.

Neck trim
Using knitting needles No. 3.25 with black thread on the front side of the work, cast on and knit 6 stitches along the upper edge of the fastener bar of the right front (grabbing both layers of fabric), transfer and knit the set aside 12 (12: 14: 16: 18) stitches, cast on and knit 18 (18: 16: 18: 20) stitches to the shoulder seam, transfer and knit the set aside 39 (41: 41: 39: 41) back stitches, cast on and knit 18 (18: 16: 18: 20) stitches along the left edge of the front neckline, transfer and knit the set aside 12 (12: 14: 16: 18) stitches, cast on and knit 6 stitches along the upper edge of the fastener bar of the left front (grabbing both layers of fabric) = 111 (113: 113: 119 : 129) loops.
Knit row 1. Incorporate white thread into the work and knit 2 rows with white thread. Knit 2 rows with black thread. Bind off the loops using needles No. 3.5.

Bottom edge
Carefully remove the auxiliary thread in the cast-on row and transfer the open loops to circular needles No. 3.5. Cast off all stitches with black thread using hollow cord on size 4 needles.
Attach hooks and loops to the edges of the fastener bars, placing the first in the upper corner, and the rest at 4 cm intervals.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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cool jacket, but I can’t download it to print and knit