Zelvin Gore
White dance
...I give you blank verse,
I wrote it the way it should be
And I ask for a little as a reward.
Tomorrow in a hall as white as pearls
Where should the dance take place?
We will meet again.
So appear in a snow-white dress
And dance to your health
With whomever you want and until you drop.
But when they finally announce
Suddenly white dance
Invite me and while dancing,
Warm me with a snow-white smile...

Knitted linen skirt and vest.
Author Amiraz from the Country of Mothers.
This is the suit knitted from 100% linen by Lora Piana, thickness 450 g. per 100 gr.
Knitting needles No. 3, hook No. 2 clover.
Расход — на юбку 230 гр., на кофточку 160 гр.

Cast on 162 stitches, first increase in the first row
Scheme 1. report 6 loops.
Scheme 1

Next is the second scheme, report 8 loops.
Scheme 2

Here you increase in the 23rd row, repeat twice.
The third scheme, there are no increases. This is the straight part in the sleeves and body of the blouse. The skirt is knitted once.
Scheme 3

Схема 4, прибавки в 5 и 7 рядах. Пустые клетки 7,9,21,23 в первых трех рядах — нет петли, оставила для симметрии.
Scheme 4

Diagram 5, increases in row 1.
We close the skirt with a crochet hook, I have clover No. 2, 5 air loops.
Scheme 5

In the 8th row of the diagram I showed how I closed the loops.
I’ll show you a photo on a mannequin, maybe it will help you see the patterns closer.

After washing, I blocked it as for shawls. When wet, lay out flat and secure with needles. Leave overnight until completely dry. I crocheted the belt as always.


I cast on 162 stitches the same way as on the skirt. I knitted the sprout in short rows.

Here I knitted the first pattern twice, and the second from the 7th row, once.
Дальше третья схема до 13-го ряда, разделяем на рукава — туловище.
I got 5.5 reports on the sleeves, 7.5 reports on the back and front.
For the undercut on the body, I cast on 19 stitches and continued to knit the 3rd pattern until row 33, repeat the 3rd pattern.
We knit to the waist line.
Next are 4 and 5 schemes in which expansion occurs.
We close it in the same way as the skirt.
We knit on the sleeves.
The sleeves are also knitted in the round, but in the undercuts from the armhole I cast on 13 stitches.
One fragment less than on the body. Further everything is the same.
I crocheted three rows of the belt and attached beads to the ends.
I crocheted the neckline, as did the waistband of the skirt.
The blouse, like the skirt, was made by WTO. I sewed the lining from thin viscose, the top and skirt separately. To have more options.

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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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