Мужской рельефный кардиган
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Male Models

Men's ribbed cardigan

мужской кардиган

Неважно, какой стиль вы предпочитаете — элегантный или более расслабленный: этот мужской кардиган хорош в любом случае! Равномерный узор из мелких «кос» вяжется без особых усилий и выглядит ненавязчиво.

Dimensions: 44-46 (48-52) 54-58

 Product width according to chest circumference: 98 (112) 126 cm

 Product length: 72 cm

 Sleeve length along the inner seam: 68 (68) 69 cm

You will need: пряжа Langyams Yak (70% мериносовой шерсти суперфайн, 30% шерсти яка: 50 г/120 м) — 12 (14) 16 мотков бежевой меланжевой (цв. 1103.0026); спицы № 4,5 и 5; круговые спицы № 4,5 длиной 150 см, вспомогательная спица для «кос», 5 пуговиц.

Knitting density: узор «Косы» (спицы № 5) — 18 п. х 34 р. = 10 х 10 см.

Rubber: knit alternately k1, p1.

мужской кардиган

Braid pattern: knit according to the pattern. Only the front rows are given; in the purl rows, knit according to the pattern.

Repeat the rapport of 8 sts and finish in accordance with the diagram. Repeat 1-16th r.

Remove the edges at the beginning of the row without knitting, knit at the end of the row

Underlined increase 2 p. after 4 p.:

 from the right edge: chrome, purl 1, knit 1, while inserting the knitting needle on 1 row. below, add 1 purl. crossed.

In the next row (= knit row): chrome , 1 purl, 1 persons. At the same time, insert the knitting needle for 1 row. below, purl 1, add k1. crossed;

from the left edge: add 1 purl. crossed, knit 1, while inserting the knitting needle on 1 r. below, 1 p. , chrome

In the next row (= front row): add 1 knit, crossed 1, k1. At the same time, insert the knitting needle for 1 row. below, 1 p. , chrome

 Note: in successive front rows, 2 stitches are added from the right and left edges. If only one number is given, then it is valid for all sizes.

Stepless closing: Do not knit the last stitch of the row. Turn the work, slip the 1st stitch from the left needle onto the right needle without knitting, and pull the unknitted loop of the previous row over the removed one.

 Bind off the following stitches as usual.

мужской кардиган

Back: on knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 91 (103) 115 sts and knit with a 6 cm elastic band, starting with k1

Switch to needles No. 5 and knit with the “Braid” pattern, while distributing the loops as follows: chrome, start from arrow A, knit 11 (12) 14 x 8 repeat stitches and finish at arrow a (b) a, chrome. After 48 (46) 44 cm from the cast-on row for the armholes on both sides, close 1 x 2 sts, then decrease in every 2nd p. 5 (8) 9 1 p. and in every 4th p. 2 x 1 p.

Note: loops that are not enough to knit a “braid” should be knitted only with a purl and patent pattern.

On knitting needles 73 (79) 89 sts.

After 22 (24) 26 cm from the beginning of the armholes on both sides for the shoulders in every 2nd r. close 2 x 5 p. and 2 6 p. (4 6 p.) 1 x 6 p. and 3 x 7 p.

At the same time, after 22 (24) 26 cm from the beginning of the armholes for the neckline, close the middle 23 (25) 29 stitches and then knit both sides separately.

To round the neckline along the inner edge, close in a stepless manner every 2nd r. another 1 x 2 p. and 1 x 1 p.

мужской кардиган

Left shelf: on knitting needles N 4.5, cast on 46 (51) 58 sts and knit with an elastic band of 6 cm, starting with 1 purl

Switch to needles No. 5 and knit with the “Braids” pattern: chrome, start from arrow A, knit 5 (6) 7 x 8 repeat stitches, finish at arrow c (a) d, chrome.

43 cm from the cast-on row for the V-neck from the left edge in every 6th row. decrease 15 x 1 p. (in every 6th r. 15 x 1 p.) alternately in every 4th r. and 6th p.m. 18 x 1 p.

Note: loops that are not enough to knit a “braid” should be knitted only with a purl and a patent pattern.

Perform the armhole and shoulder bevel on the right edge in the same way as on the back.

Right shelf: knit mirror the left shelf.

Sleeves: on knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 43 (47) 53 sts and knit with a 6 cm elastic band, starting with 1 purl.

Switch to needles No. 5 and knit in the “Braid” pattern, spreading the pattern from the middle.

For side bevels on both sides in the 9th and 11th rows. emphasize adding 1 x 2 p., then another 4 (5) 5 x 2 p. in every 24th and 26th p., adding loops to the pattern if possible = 63 (71) 77 p.

After 51 cm from the cast-on row for piping the sleeves on both sides, close 1 x 2 sts, then decrease in every 2nd p. 5 (5) 7 x 1 p., in every 4th p. 6 x 1 p. and in every 2nd r. 7 x 1 p. then close in every 2nd r. 3 x 2 p. and 1 x 3 p. After 17 (17) 18 cm from the beginning

Roll the sleeves loosely to close the remaining loops. Knit the 2nd sleeve in the same way.

мужской кардиган

Assembly: Pin the details onto the pattern, moisten and let dry.

Sew shoulder seams.

 For the fastener strap on circular knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 329 (333) 339 sts (= straight edges of the shelves 88 sts each, bevels of the neckline 58 sts each, back 37 (41) 47 sts) and knit with an elastic band, at this after chrome, start with 1 purl. and finish in a mirror manner.

 Через 1,5 см от начала планки на левой полочке выполнить, равномерно распределив, 5 отверстий для пуговиц: вязать 2 п. после начала скоса выреза, следующие 2 п. закрыть без использования нити и нитью заново набрать 2 п., провязать 18 п. резинкой «, повторить 4 раза от » до «, закончить ряд.

After 4 cm from the beginning of the bar, loosely close all the loops, knitting them according to the pattern. Sew in the sleeves.

Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Sew buttons.

Thread all the threads.

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