Men's sweater made of Aran patterns
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Male Models

Men's sweater made of Aran patterns

knitted pullover

The sweater with raglan sleeves is knitted in Aran patterns.

Sweater size: 50-52


Производитель пряжи — Schachenmayr.

You will need: 800 g of ECOLOGICO yarn (100% wool; 50 g/80 m) No. 00190 gray; knitting needles No. 5; circular knitting needles No. 5; aux. knitting needles

Elastic (Res.) 3 x 1: persons p.: * 3 p. p., 1 persons. p. *, rep. from to *; purl r.: according to the drawing.

Mixed Pattern: for the back and front elm. by 88 points according to scheme 1, where only persons are given. R., out. R. elm. according to the drawing.

Повт. 1 — 120-й р. 1 раз, затем 113 — 120-й р. на протяжении работы.

knitting pattern

Diamond pattern: см. выделенное на схеме 1 темно-серым цветом. Повт. мотив из 10 п. шириной. В высоту повт. 1 — 2-й р. 1 раз, затем только 3 — 18-й р.


Knitting density

10 x 10 cm = 16 p. x 23 r. purl Ch.

10 x 10 cm = 18 p. x 23 r. res. 3 x 1, diamond pattern.

50 cm = 88 p. mixed pattern.

Completing of the work

Back: dial 104 p., elm. track. way: chrome. p., 7 p. purl. Ch., 88 p. mixed pattern, 7 p. purl. ch., chrome. p. At a height of 44 cm (= 102 r.), close on both sides 1 time 2 p. = 100 p. To form a raglan, close on both sides alternately in each r. and in every 2nd r. 28 times 1 p., in each r. 10 times, 1 p. (knitting each edge p. vm. with the adjacent p.). At a height of 68 cm (= 156 r.), bind off the remaining 24 sts.

Before: elm. the same as the back, excluding the neckline. To form a raglan, kill. alternately in each r. and in every 2nd r. 26 times, 1 p., in each r. 7 times 1 p. At a height of 60 cm (= 138 r.) To form the neckline, close the central 18 p., complete both halves separately, closing from the center in every 2 r. 1 time 2 p., 3 times 1 p. At a height of 65 cm, close the remaining 3 p.

Left sleeve: dial 41 p., elm. res. 3 x 1, starting from the 1st row. (front side) with chrome. p.. 3 p. p., 1 persons. etc., finishing symmetrically to what started. At the same time arriving on both sides every 6th r. 8 times 1 p., in every 4th r. 2 times 1 p. = 61 p.

At a height of 26 cm, continue with a diamond pattern, approx. on the 1st 1 p. = 62 p. Next elm. track. way: chrome. p., rep. motif of 10 p. 6 times, finish 1 chrome. n. At the same time arriving. on both sides in every 4th r. 12 times 1 p. = 86 p. At a height of 50 cm, close on both sides 1 time 2 p. = 82 p. Then, to form a raglan, close on the right side alternately in each r. and in every 2nd r. 32 times 1 p., in each r. 5 times 1 p., on the left side dec. alternately in each r. and in every 2nd r. 28 times 1 p., in each r. 4 times 1 p. After the last dec. close on the left side in every 2nd r. 5 times 2 sts. At a height of 74 cm, bind off the remaining 3 sts.

Right sleeve: набрать 42 п., вяз. узором «ромбы», после кром. п. повт. мотив из 10 п. 4 раза, кром. п. Одновременно приб. с обеих сторон поочередно в каждом 4-м и в каждом 6-м р. 15 раз по 1 п. = 72 п. На высоте 36 см продолжить след. образом: кром. п., след. 23 п. с 3 уб. в изн. гл. = 20 п. (равномерно 3 раза 2 изн. п. вм.), выполнить «косу» из 24 п. след. образом: 1 — 24 п. по схеме 1 (повт. 1 — 8-й р.), 23 п. с 3 уб. на изн. гл. = 20 п., кром. п. = 66 п. после р.

At the same time arriving on both sides in every 4th r. 7 times 1 p. = 80 p. At a height of 50 cm, close on both sides 1 time 2 p. = 76 p. Then, to form a raglan, close on the right side in every 2nd r. 5 times 1 p., alternately in each r. and in every 2nd r. 24 times 1 p., on the left side close in every 2nd r. 2 times 1 p., then alternately in each r. and in every 2nd r. 32 times 1 p. After the last dec. close on the right side in every 2nd r. 5 times 2 sts each. At a height of 74 cm, bind off the remaining 3 sts.

Assembly and processing: Sew in the sleeves. Sew sleeve seams and side seams.

Neck trim: On circular knitting needles, cast on 80 stitches along the neckline, elm. 4 cm res. 1 x 1, bind off all sts.

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