Мужской свитер The Rower
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Male Models

Men's sweater The Rower

вязаный пуловер

Men's sweater The Rower

Dimensions: S — M — L — XL — XXL — XXXL


Materials: DROPS KARISMA from Garnstudio 700-750-850-950-1000-1100 grams, color No. 72, pearl gray; stocking and circular knitting needles (60 or 80 cm) No. 4mm; stocking and circular needles (60 and 80 cm) No. 3.5 mm - for elastic.

Плотность вязания — 21 петля x 28 рядов лицевой гладью = 10 x 10 см.

Pattern: see diagrams A.1-A.6.

схема вязания спицами
схема вязания спицами

Advice for making increments:
Knit until there is 1 stitch left in front of the marker, 1 yarn over, knit the next 2 loops (the marker will be between them), 1 yarn over. In the next row, knit yarn overs with crossed loops. Include the added loops in the pattern diagram.
Tip for performing decreases-1 (for elastic):
Decreasing the loops in the elastic band, knit 2 stitches together purlwise in the purl areas. loops

Advice for making decreases-2 (for decreases in the top of the jumper):
Make all decreases in the front rows.
Knit until there are 4 stitches left in front of the marker, knit the next 3 stitches together (= decrease 2 stitches), knit the next 2 stitches (the marker will be between these stitches), knit the next 3 stitches together knitted (= decrease 2 stitches). Repeat the decreases near the other marker.

Decrease before the marker: knit until there are 3 sts left in front of the marker, 2 sts together, knit 1 st. (loop with marker).
Decrease after the marker: 1 knit stitch, slip 1 stitch as a knit stitch, 1 knit stitch, place the removed loop over the knitted one.

The jumper is knitted in the round.
Main part:
Cast on 268-280-292-316-340-376 stitches on 3.5 mm circular needles and knit 1 row, then rib: * pattern A.2a (= 12 stitches), pattern A.3a (= 15 stitches), A.4a (= 9 sts), p1, (k3/p3), repeat from (-) 6-6-7-7-8-8 times total, k3, P1, A.5a (= 9 sts), A.3a, A.6a (= 12 sts), (K3/P3), repeat from (-) for a total of 3-4-4- 6-7-10 times, 3 knits.p. *, repeat from *-* 1 more time.

Repeat the first 2 rows from the diagram, knit the remaining loops according to the pattern until you have knitted 12 rows in total.
Next, knit according to the pattern: * knit the first 36 loops as the 3rd row in the pattern, knit the next 41-41-47-47-53-53 loops with an elastic band, as before, evenly decreasing 11-7-9-9-11-11 loops, knit the next 36 loops as the 3rd row in the diagram, knit the next 21-27-27-39-45-63 loops with an elastic band as before, decreasing evenly 7-9-5-5-7-9 loops *, repeat from *-* 1 more time = 220-236-252-276-292-324 loops. Knit the last row from patterns A.2a-A.6.a, knit the remaining elastic loops according to the pattern. The height of the elastic band should be about 5 cm.
Switch to 4 mm circular needles and knit as follows: * Pattern A.2b (= 11 stitches), Pattern A.3b (= 13 stitches), Pattern A.4b (= 9 stitches), next 28-32-36 -36-40-40 stitches in pattern A.1, knit first 2 stitches from chart A.1, pattern A.5b (= 9 stitches), pattern A.3b (= 13 stitches), pattern A.6b (= 11 loops), knit the next 12-16-20-32-36-52 loops with pattern A.1, knit the first 2 loops from pattern A.1 *, repeat from *-* 1 more time.

Continue knitting according to this pattern. When you knit 15-15-16-16-17-17 cm, fasten 2 markers in the fabric: the first marker - after 103-109-115-121-127-135 loops, the second - after 7-9-11-17-19 -27 stitches to end of row (= there should be 110-118-126-138-146-162 stitches between markers).

In the next row, increase 1 stitch on each side of the markers. Repeat the increase when the knitting length is 26-27-27-28-28-29 cm = 228-244-260-284-300-332 loops.

When you have worked 44-44-45-45-45-45 cm, continue with the pattern: knit until there are 5 stitches left before the 1st marker, cast off the next 10 stitches for the armhole (= 5 stitches on each side of the marker) , work until 5 stitches remain before 2nd marker, cast off next 10 stitches for armhole (= 5 stitches on each side of marker), work remaining stitches to end of row. You should have 104-112-120-132-140-156 stitches on front and back.

Put this part of the knitting aside and start knitting the sleeves.

Knitted in the round on stocking/circular needles.
Cast on 60-60-66-66-66-72 stitches on stocking needles No. 3.5 mm and knit with an elastic band: 3 knit stitches, (3 purl stitches, 3 purl stitches), repeat from (-) 3 total -3-4-4-4-5 times, pattern A.4a (= 9 sts), k3, (p3, k3), repeat from (-) 3 times total , pattern A.5a (= 9 loops).

Continue knitting this pattern and repeat the first 2 rows from the pattern until you have knitted 12 rows. Then knit the 3rd row from the diagram: knit the first 21-21-27-27-27-33 loops with an elastic band, evenly decreasing 3-3-5-5-5-7 loops, knit the next one with pattern A.4a, as before Knit 21 loops with an elastic band, evenly decreasing 3 loops = 54-54-58-58-58-62 loops.

Knit the last row from patterns A.4a-A.5.a, knit the remaining loops according to the pattern.

Continue working according to the pattern: knit the first 9-9-11-11-11-13 stitches, secure 1 marker (= middle of the bottom of the sleeve). Note: The marker indicates the beginning of the row.

Work the last 3-3-1-1-1-3 stitches from pattern A.1, then work a full repeat of pattern A.1 1-1-2-2-2-2 times wide, work the first 2 stitches from pattern A .1, pattern A.4b, knit the next 16 stitches with pattern A.1, knit the first 2 stitches from pattern A.1, pattern A.5b, knit pattern A.1 2-2-2-2-2-3 times width and finish the row with the first 1-1-3-3-3-1 stitch according to pattern A.1.
Continue knitting according to this pattern.

When you have knitted 7cm, start increasing at the bottom of the sleeve - see advice on increasing.

Repeat every 12-9-9-7-6-6th row 11-5-5-17-15-15 times and every 0-8-8-0-5-5th row 0-10 -10-0-4-4 times (= 11-15-15-17-19-19 times total) = 76-84-88-92-96-100 stitches.

When sleeve measures 54-53-52-51-49-48 cm, cast off 10 sts at bottom of sleeve (= 5 sts on each side of marker) = 66-74-78-82-86-90 sts.

Knit the second sleeve in the same way.

Transfer the sleeve loops to the same needles as the main part without knitting them = 340-372-396-428-452-492 loops. At each border between the main part and the sleeves, attach a marker = 4 markers.

Continue knitting according to the same pattern, but knitting 4 knit stitches. on each border of the body and sleeves (= 2 knit stitches on each side of each marker).

Note: the beginning of the row is between the right sleeve and the back.

At the same time, start doing raglan decreases - see description above. Note: raglan decreases on the sleeves and the main part are performed differently.
Main part raglan:
Выполняйте убавки в каждом 2-м ряду 17-20-20-22-25-26 раз и в каждом ряду — 13-13-15-17-17-22 раза (= всего 30-33-35-39-42-48 раз).

Raglan sleeves:
Выполняйте убавки в каждом 4-м ряду 4-3-2-3-4-5 раз и в каждом 2-м ряду — 16-21-24-25-26-27 раз (= всего 20-24-26-28-30-32 раза).
When you finish all the raglan decreases, you will have 140-144-152-160-164-172 stitches left.

Knit 1 row according to the pattern without knitting 24 loops (= 2 loops after the front and right sleeve marker). Secure 1 marker here - now this is the beginning of the row. Tie a sprout at the back neck:
Note: continue to knit as before, decreasing 2 stitches on each side of the sleeve and back markers (= decreasing 8 stitches on the right row) - see decreasing tip 2.

At the same time, knit the back in turning rows according to the pattern:
Row 1 (= knit): Work 92-94-98-102-104-108 stitches (including decreased 8 stitches),
Row 2 (= purl): turn and work 81-83-87-91-93-97 stitches,
Row 3: Turn and work 78-80-84-88-90-94 stitches (including 8 decreased stitches),
Row 4: Turn and work 67-69-73-77-79-83 stitches,
Row 5: Turn and work 64-66-70-74-76-80 stitches (including 8 dec stitches),
Row 6: Turn and work 53-55-59-63-65-69 stitches,
Row 7: Turn and work 50-52-56-60-62-66 stitches (including decreased 8 stitches),
Row 8: Turn and work stitches back to marker (= start of row).
A total of 32 stitches should be decreased and 108-112-120-128-132-140 stitches should remain.
Switch to needles No. 3.5 mm and knit 1 row:
Work the first 14 stitches and increase 1 stitch (= sleeve), work the next 4 stitches, then work 24-26-30-34-36-40 stitches (= back), evenly increasing 3-1-3-5-3-5 loops, knit 4 loops, knit 14 loops and increase 1 loop (= sleeve), knit 4 loops, knit 40-42-46-50-52-56 loops (= front), decreasing evenly 1-3-1-5- 1-5 stitches, knit remaining 4 stitches = 112-112-124-130-136-142 stitches.
Next, knit with an elastic band: p3, k3, p3, k3, p3, k4, (p3, k3), repeat from (-) for a total of 4-4-5- 6-6-7 times, p3, k4, p3, k3, p3, k3, p3, k4, (p3, k3), repeat from (-) 6-6-7-7-8-8 times, p3, k4. Continue knitting in the round according to the pattern until you have knitted 7cm of elastic, then bind off the stitches loosely.

Sew open seams at the bottom of the sleeves.
Turn the elastic band of the neck inside the jumper and sew it on.

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