A beautiful long coat with wide sleeves is knitted with a relief pattern of intertwined “Braids” made of textured yarn with camel hair in a natural beige color.

Size: 36-40.
You will need: 750 g beige yarn Lana Grossa “Micio” (60% merino wool, 25% polyamide, 15% camel wool; 100 m/50 g); circular knitting needles No. 6 and 5.
Rubber. Alternately knit 2, purl 2.
Pattern with diamonds and braids A (shelves and back). Knit according to pattern A. In purl rows, knit stitches according to the pattern. Knit for the right front 1 x 46 stitches from arrow a to arrow b, for the back 1 x 57 stitches from arrow b to arrow c and for the left shelf 1 x 46 stitches from arrow c to arrow d. Complete rows 1–142 once.

Pattern with diamonds and braids B (sleeves). Knit according to pattern B. In purl rows, knit stitches according to pattern. Perform 1 time 61 sts between the arrows. Complete rows 1–84 once.

Knitting density, pattern with diamonds and braids using knitting needles No. 6: 15 p. and 16 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of knitting
Attention! The fronts and back are knitted in one piece. The arrows on the pattern indicate the direction of knitting. When worn, the sleeves will stretch approximately 4 cm.
Back and shelves. On circular needles No. 6, cast on 149 sts and knit in a pattern with diamonds and braids A. After 56 cm = 88 r. from the initial row for the armholes, divide the work into 3 parts, set aside the first and last 46 stitches of the fronts and knit the middle 57 stitches of the back between the bold lines in diagram A, while in the 1st row add 1 edge on both sides. = 59 p. After 24 cm = 38 r. from the beginning of the armholes, reduce the added edges on both sides. = 57 sts and put the loops aside.
Left shelf. Using circular knitting needles No. 6, continue knitting the postponed 46 stitches from the left edge according to the figure, while in the 1st row add 1 chrome from the right edge. = 47 p. After 24 cm = 38 r. from the beginning of the armhole, subtract the added edge from the right edge = 46 sts and set aside the loops.
Right shelf. Knit symmetrically to the left front. Then knit all 149 set aside stitches further as indicated. After 10 cm = 16 r. from the end of the armhole or after 142 r. Close all loops freely according to the pattern.
Sleeve. Knit the top part across. On circular needles No. 6, cast on 61 sts and knit in a pattern with diamonds and braids B. After 52 cm = 84 r. From the initial row, close the loops according to the drawing.

Assembly. Sew the seams of the sleeves, connecting the initial and closed edges. On circular needles No. 5 along the right side edge of the sleeves (looking from the cast-on edge), cast on 64 sts and knit for the placket with an elastic band in circular rows. At a bar height of 18 cm, close the loops freely according to the pattern. Using circular knitting needles No. 5, cast on 102 sts along the vertical edge of the left shelf from top to bottom, 136 sts along the entire cast-on edge and along the vertical edge of the right shelf from bottom to top 102 sts = 340 sts. For the placket, knit with an elastic band, starting in the 1st purl next to chrome. and 2 purl., ending symmetrically so that there are 2 faces above the corners. Mark these loops and knit 1 before and after them in every 2nd row. cross. from a cross thread. These added loops are then knitted in purl rows with knit stitches and in knit rows with purl stitches. Perform additions only 6 times. After the next 2 rows, loosely close the loops without any additions according to the pattern. Using circular needles No. 5, cast on 108 stitches along the top edge and short sides of the straps and knit for the collar with an elastic band, as for the strap. At a collar height of 10 cm, loosely close the loops according to the pattern. Sew the sleeves in with the seam down.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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