Платье шетландскими узорами —  «Атлантида»
Knitting, My works

Платье шетландскими узорами — «Атлантида»

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Шетландский узор или шетландские мотивы — это поистине искусство, которое к большому счастью опять в моде.

Initially, only shawls were knitted with Shetland motifs, but over time, craftswomen began to apply combinations of different patterns to other items of clothing, including dresses. And they were right. Dresses knitted with such openwork turn out to be elegant and amaze with their beauty.

Looking at this lace, it seems that they are knitted quite difficult, but this is absolutely not the case.

The only difficulty in knitting Shetland patterns is that you need to make yarn overs in all rows and make sure that they are done in the right places

If you knit, try this knitting technique, I'm sure you'll like it.

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The Atlantis dress is knitted from 500g of Italian silk art. Sumatra 3000m/100g in 5 folds.

Addi knitting needles No. 3.0 – 1.75 were used in this work.

Clover hook No. 1.5

The weight of the dress with lining is 570g.

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The dress is knitted according to patterns from книги  S.Miller» Heirloom knitting «. Всю книгу можно посмотреть здесь***

Antique border scheme

шетландские узоры

Correction by Sharon Miller:
Page 148 : Row 23 ‘knit and purl’ into first and last double-dot symbol (these should have been dot and dash symbols). Treat remaining double-dot symbols as ordinary and ‘knit 3’ there — no increasing. В 23 ряду неправильно обозначен символ прибавок, там должно быть «точка» и «тире», т.е. прибавить 1l.p and 1i.p V first and last character, а в остальных «двойных точках» этого ряда читать как обычно, 3л.п без прибавок.

шетландские узоры
шетландские узоры

Dress design by Jeannette Mirmisette.

Description for size 46-48

General view of the dress

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The dress is knitted from bottom to top in a single fabric in the round: one row with knit stitches, the other with purl stitches. You can also knit in turning rows, then we knit all the time with facial loops (garter knitting).

The antique border is knitted in the round on 372 stitches = 31 repeat x 12 stitches. Border 20 cm = 56 rows. Border width 140cm.

шетландские узоры

Next, we knit the dividing strip as follows: * 2 sts together, 1 yarn over *, repeat until the end of the row.

The main pattern of the bottom of the dress

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Let's move on to knitting the main skirt pattern according to the following patterns. The diagrams have been adjusted. Red color indicates decreases to the waist line, i.e. We simply skip these loops when counting the knit stitches.

Scheme of the main pattern (from the 1st to the 73rd row)

шетландские узоры

The main pattern of the lower part of the dress (from the 1st to the 50th row)

шетландские узоры

Продолжаем вязание на 372п. = 6 раппортов х 62петли. К последнему ряду основного узора на спицах будет  в каждом раппорте на 10петель меньше. 52п х 6раппортов = 312п. Ширина платья в верхней части юбки — 52см.

Scheme of the main pattern (from the 73rd to the 145th row)

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The main pattern of the lower part of the dress (from the 73rd to the 115th row)

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The main pattern of the lower part of the dress (from the 115th to the 145th row)

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Having knitted all 145 rows, we carry out the WTO. We fix the skirt on a foam board 50 cm wide and let it hang down and stretch out as much as possible so that there are no “surprises” in wearing the finished product. The length was 80cm including the border.

шетландские узоры

We make calculations and add the length of the skirt - 5 cm and the belt - 4 cm. The skirt of the dress is held on by an elastic band. The drawstring for the elastic is formed in the process of fixing the underskirt made of fabric to the dress.

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Move to the top of the dress and continue knitting in the round to the armholes.

Вяжем 8см платочной вязкой и 8см по скорректированной схеме основного узора. Схема  рассчитана на 52 петли  — 1 раппорт. Всего 6 раппортов = 312п.

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Pattern diagram for the bodice of the dress

шетландские узоры
шетландские узоры

Next we knit a dividing strip from: * 2 sts together, 1 yarn over *, repeat until the end of the row.

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We divide the knitting into front and back and knit separately in rotating rows.

We knit the back and front the same way.

There are 152 loops on the needles. To switch to an antique border 152p: 12p = 13 repeats. Dress width 52cm.

We knit straight without decreases for 56 rows – 20 cm.

Close the loops of the last row in 2 stitches together.

Antique border on the bodice of the dress

шетландские узоры

For the sleeves, knit rectangles into 7 repeats according to the antique border pattern 7 repeats x 12p + 3p = 87p. Knit all 56 rows – 20cm.

Close the loops of the last row in 2 stitches together.

 Before assembling, we carry out a WTO of the top of the dress and sleeves. Next we sew in the sleeves.

шетландские узоры

To finish the neckline, use needles No. 1.75 to cast on stitches along the edge of the neckline. Total 238p. Start knitting on the left side of the front of the dress. We knit 5 rows in garter stitch in turning rows. Then we connect the knitting, knit another 9 rows in a circle. Sew the strip on the wrong side. The photo shows what the treatment looks like on the face and back.

Neck treatment

шетландские узоры,
шетландские узоры

We crochet a decorative cord and thread it into the drawstring at the neck.

We knit a cord from 4 DCs tied together, one from the other. We tie beads at the ends of the cord.

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We sew an underskirt from lining fabric. We sew the top of the skirt to the dress in two places, forming the back wall of the belt drawstring. We lay the seam along the front side. We thread the elastic into the waistband of the skirt.

We knit an antique border according to the pattern for 31 repeat = 372p.

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We sew the border to the underskirt so that the border shows 7cm.

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When finished, the length of the skirt is 90cm.

The dress is ready!

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Thank you for watching!

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