Made from a luxurious blend of mohair, llama wool and silk, the pullover is a single piece with no shoulder seams. The cross elastic enhances the contrast of black and white stripes, which looks very harmonious and modern.
Dimensions: 38/40 (42/44) 46/48

You will need: пряжа (40% мохера, 40% шерсти ламы, 20% шелка; 100 м50 г) — 350 (400) 450 г черной и 300 (350) 400 г белой; круговые спицы № 3 и 4.
Pattern 1: rib = circular rows (number of loops is a multiple of 4): alternately knit 2, purl 2.
Pattern 2: лицевая гладь = лицевые ряды — лицевые петли,
изнаночные ряды — изнаночные петли.

Pattern 3: поперечная резинка А. * Белой нитью: 1 лицевой ряд лицевыми, 1 изнаночный ряд лицевыми, 1 лицевой ряд изнаночными; черной нитью; 1 изнаночный ряд изнаночными, 1 лицевой ряд лицевыми, 1 изнаночный ряд изнаночными; белой нитью: 1 изнаночный ряд изнаночными, 1 лицевой ряд изнаночными, 1 изнаночный ряд лицевыми; черной нитью: 1 лицевой ряд лицевыми, 1 изнаночный ряд изнаночными, 1 лицевой ряд лицевыми, от » постоянно повторять.
Pattern 4: поперечная резинка В. * Белой нитью: 1 лицевой ряд лицевыми, 1 изнаночный ряд изнаночными, 1 лицевой ряд лицевыми; черной нитью: 1 изнаночный ряд изнаночными, 1 лицевой ряд изнаночными, 1 изнаночный ряд лицевыми; белой нитью: 1 изнаночный ряд изнаночными, 1 лицевой ряд лицевыми, 1 изнаночный ряд изнаночными; черной нитью: 1 лицевой ряд лицевыми, 1 изнаночный ряд лицевыми, 1 лицевой ряд изнаночными, от » постоянно повторять.
Knitting density: patterns 3 and 4 19 p. x 39 r. (slightly stretched) = 10 x 10 cm.
Attention: Move the loops on circular knitting needles to the side on which the thread of the color you want to knit is located.
Due to the elastic band, the pullover stretches slightly in length.
Attention: knit the pullover in one piece without shoulder seams.

Back and front: start from the front: with black thread on needles No. 4, cast on 106 (112) 120 sts and knit 3 rows. pattern 2, starting with 1 purl row.
Mark the middle. On loops up to the middle, knit with pattern 3, on loops after the middle, knit with pattern 4.
After 40.5 cm 158 r. (41 cm = 160 rub.) 42 cm = 164 rub. from the initial row, add 1 x 5 (5) 6 p. for seamless sleeves on both sides and in every 2nd p. add 9x5p., 2x6 p. and 2x7 p. (9x5p., 2x7 p. and 2 x 8 p.) 13 x 6 p. = 258 (272) 288 p.
After 53.5 cm = 208 rub. (55 cm = 214 rub.) 57 cm = 222 rub. from the starting row, close off the middle 12 (14) 18 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.
To round the neck along the inner edge, close every 2nd r. 1 x 4 p., 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. and 5 x 1 p. (= 109 (114) 120 p.) and then in the next 14th p. add 1 x 3 p. = 112 (117) 123 p.
Set aside the stitches and knit the second side in a mirror image.
Between the postponed loops, cast on the knitting needles for the back neckline 34 (38) 42 p. (= 258 (272) 288 p.) and continue working according to. distribution of loops.

After 73.5 cm = 286 rubles. (76 cm = 296 rub.) 79 cm = 308 rub. from the initial row, close on both sides for sleeve bevels 1 7 (8) 6 p. and in every 2nd p. close 1 x 7 p., 2 x 6 p. and 10 x 5 p. (1 x 8 p., 2 x 7 p. and 10 x 5 p.) 13 x 6 p. = 106 (112) 120 p.
After 121 cm = 471 rub. (124 cm = 483 rub.) 128 cm = 501 rub. From the initial row, close off the remaining 106 (112) 120 sts.

Assembly: for the golf collar, use black thread on circular needles No. 3 along the edge of the neckline for 124 (132) 144 sts and knit 10 cm = 40 circle. R. pattern 1.
Cast off sts on size 4 needles. Sew sleeve seams and side seams.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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