Шикарный пуловер с ажурными косами связанный спицами из натуральной шерстяной пряжи красно-фиолетового цвета. Что в этом джемпере привлекает больше — цвет или узоры? Сложно ответить, ещё сложнее — не связать.
Sizes (European): 36/38 (40/42)
Sizes (Russian): 42/44 (46/48)

You will need: 600 (650) g red-violet melange (color 33) Alta Moda Alpaca Lana Grossa yarn (90 % baby alpaca, 5 % merino wool, 5 % polyamide, 140 m/50 g); knitting needles No. 5 and No. 6, circular needles No. 5.

Knitting technique.
Knotted edge: 1st p. of each r. shoot like faces. The last p. of each r. knit faces All details are knitted with a knotted edge!
Rubber: alternately knit 1, purl 1.
Openwork pattern with braids: вязать по схеме. В изн. р. петли вязать по рисунку, накиды — изн. Начинать по инструкции, повторять петли раппорта, заканчивать по смыслу. Прибавления в полосах с косами выполнять в 3-м р. по схеме. В высоту вязать 1-й — 32-й р. 1 раз, затем в каждой полосе с косой повторять ряды, выделенные светло-серым, включая изн. р.

Facial surface: лиц. р. — лиц. п., изн. р. — изн. п.
Purl stitch: лиц. р. — изн. п., изн. р. — лиц. п.
Highlighted decreases:
убавление 1 п. — в начале р. после кром. провязать 2 п. вместе протяжкой (1 п. снять как лиц., 1 лиц. и протянуть её сквозь снятую п.). В конце р. перед кром. провязать 2 п. вместе лиц.
Убавление 2 п. — в начале р. после кром. провязать 3 п. вместе двойной протяжкой (1 п. снять как лиц., 2 п. провязать вместе лиц. и протянуть её сквозь снятую п. В конце р. перед кром. провязать 3 п. вместе лиц.
Knitting density.
Openwork pattern with braids, knitting needles No. 6: 25.5 sts and 26 r. = 10 x 10 cm;
Stockinette stitch, knitting needles No. 6: 17 sts and 26 r. = 10 x 10 cm.
Back: on knitting needles No. 5, cast on 99 (105) sts and for the strap, knit 6 cm = 18 r. with an elastic band. Switch to needles No. 6 and make an openwork pattern with trace braids. way: chrome, 5 (8) p. persons. satin stitch, 36 sts between arrows a and b, 15 sts between arrows b and c = center, 36 sts between arrows a and b, 5 (8) sts. iron, chrome = 113 (119) p. after the 3rd row. After 34 cm = 88 rub. from the bar, subtract 1 p. on both sides for raglan bevels, then in every 2nd p. 23 (26) x 1 p. and 5 x 2 p. In the next. R. close off the remaining 45 stitches of the neckline.
Before: knit like a back, but with a neckline. To do this, after 15 (17.5) cm = 40 (46) r. from the beginning of the raglan, close the central 15 sts and knit further separately, closing along the edges of the neckline in every 2nd p. 1 x 4 p., 1 x 3 p., 1 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 p. After the last decrease in the raglan, close the remaining 3 p. from the outside.
Sleeve: cast on 47 sts on knitting needles No. 5. For the placket, knit 6 cm = 18 r. rubber bands. In the last r. elastic bands evenly add 5 sts = 52 sts. Switch to needles No. 6 and knit in an openwork pattern with braids: chrome, 7 sts between arrows e and c, 36 sts between arrows a and b, 7 sts between arrows b and d, chrome. = 62 p. after the 3rd p. On both sides, add for bevels in the 5th row. from the bar 1 p., then in every 6th p. 15 (9) x 1 p. and in every 4th p. 0 (9) x 1 p. = 94 (100) p., with the first 11 additions knitted in an openwork pattern with braids on the right side between arrows e and b, on the left side between arrows d and c, knit the remaining loops purl. satin stitch After 41 cm = 106 rubles. From the bar, make raglan bevels on both sides, as on the back. After 22 (24.5) cm = 58 (64) r. from the beginning of the raglan, close off the remaining 26 sts.
Assembly: sew side seams. Sew in the sleeves so that the raglan seams are on the faces. side. Using circular needles No. 5 along the edge of the neckline, cast on 104 stitches, and for the placket, knit 1 circle. R. persons and 1 circle. R. purl p. and loops close faces.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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