Пуловер с ажурной кокеткой
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Sweaters, pullovers, jumpers

Pullover with openwork yoke

вязаный пуловер

The pullover turned out to be very cute and feminine. You can both work and relax in this.

Всего лишь намек на цвет — легкий нюанс между светло-серым и неж- но-сиреневым. Но именно он делает необыкновенно выразительным искусный микс узоров — от полосок платочной вязки до ажура в верхней части пуловера и на рукавах «летучая мышь».

Dimensions: 38/40 (42/44) 46/48.


You will need:

yarn (90% cotton, 10% silk; 110 m/50 g) - 450 (500) 550 g mallow color; knitting needles No. 3.5; circular knitting needles No. 3.5.

Garter stitch in straight rows: knit knit stitches in knit and purl rows. In circular rows: knit alternately 1 round. knit and 1 circle.r. purl loops.

Facial surface: knit knit stitches in knit rows, purl stitches in purl rows.

Cross-ribbed pattern: alternately 8 rubles. stockinette stitch, 2 r. garter stitch.

Openwork pattern: the number of loops must be a multiple of 10+1+2 chrome. Knit according to the given pattern. It shows only the front rows. In purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern of the fabric, knit yarn overs purl. In width, start from the edge. and loops before the repeat, then repeat the repeat and finish with loops after the repeat and edge. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 20th row.

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Sequence of patterns: knit 22 cm = 70 r. cross-ribbed pattern, 0.5 cm = 2 r. purl stitch, 13 cm = 40 r. openwork pattern, 0.5 cm = 2 r. garter stitch = total 36 cm = 114 rub.

Knitting density: 20.5 p. x 32 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a cross-ribbed pattern; 20.5 p. x 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with an openwork pattern; 20.5 p. x 31 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch.

Back. Cast on 106 (116) 126 sts and for the bottom bar knit 6 cm in garter stitch, starting from the purl row. Next, knit patterns in the specified sequence. At the same time, for the batwing sleeves, add 2 rows on both sides in the next row from the bottom bar. 1 time for 1 p., then 17 times in every 4th r. 1 p. each, immediately include the added loops in the pattern = 142 (152) 162 p. After 22.5 cm = 72 r. from the bottom bar (= in the 1st r. of the openwork pattern) add 1 p. to transition the patterns = 143 (153) 163 p. After 36 cm = 114 r. From the bottom bar, continue knitting in stockinette stitch. For shoulder bevels, close on both sides after 0.5 (2.5) 4.5 cm = 2 (8) 14 r. from the end of changing patterns 1 time for 3 p., then in every 2nd p. 11 times 3 p. (6 times 3 p. and 5 times 4 p.) 1 time 3 p. and 10 times 4 p. At the same time close after 2 (4) 6 cm = 6 (12) 18 r . from the end of changing patterns, average 35 stitches at the neckline and finish both sides separately. To round the neckline, close from the inner edge in every 2nd r. 4 times 3 p. and 1 time 2 p. After 8.5 (10.5) 12.5 cm = 26 (32) 38 r. from the end of changing patterns, close the remaining 4 stitches of the shoulder on both sides.

Before. Knit as for the back, but for a deeper neckline, close off the middle 19 stitches of the neckline already in the 1st person. row (every 2 cm = 6 r.) every 4 cm = 12 r. after finishing changing patterns, to round the neckline, close in every 2nd r. 6 times 3 p. and 2 times 2 p.

Sleeves. Cast on 53 (63) 73 sts and for the placket knit 4 cm in garter stitch, starting with a purl row. Next, knit in an openwork pattern. After 20 cm = 60 rub. close all loops from the bar.

Assembly. Sew shoulder seams. For the binding, cast on 120 sts on circular needles along the edge of the neckline and knit 3 cm in garter stitch. Then close all the loops, as in knitting, and sew in the sleeves (for sizes 38/40 and 42/44, slightly stretching). Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

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