The pullover is made in a two-color monotonous palette, which gives it a kind of adult seriousness. Tweed yarn with lurex is ideal for such a fashionable pullover.
You will need: Yarn Dia Tweed Beaute (medium thickness) milky (501) 200 g = 7 skeins, dark gray (508) 160 g = 6 skeins
Tools: knitting needles No. 6 (4 mm),
No. 5 (3.5 mm)
Finished product dimensions:
chest circumference 94 cm,
back width at shoulders 33 cm,
product length 54 cm,
sleeve length 55.5 cm
Knitting density:
Openwork pattern A: 28 p. and 32 r. = 10 × 10 cm,
openwork pattern A': 32 p. and 32 r. = 10 × 10 cm,
openwork pattern B, openwork pattern B': 31 p. and 32 r. = 10 × 10cm
Description of work:
When changing colors, cross the threads on the wrong side of the work to prevent holes from forming.
1. For the back, front and sleeves, cast on stitches on needles using the classic cast-on method. Next, based on diagrams 1-4, knit, alternating openwork pattern A, openwork pattern A, openwork pattern B, openwork pattern B. Decrease loops for armholes, necklines, sleeve caps, using the technique of decreasing loops with a slope to the right or left, depending from the side. The expansion of the main sleeve fabric is done by adding loops from the broach.
2. Sew shoulder seams using the three-needle method. Connect the side seams and sleeve seams using a needle.
3. Для изготовления нижней планки, манжет рукавов и воротника набрать петли на спицы, используя классический способ набора петель. Нижнюю планку вязать ажурным узором С, манжеты и воротник вязать ажурным узором D указанное количество рядов. Соединить концы готовых деталей при помощи иглы, совмещая узор. Соединить лицевые петли, имитируя лицевую гладью, изнаночные петли — изнаночную гладь. Нижнюю планку, манжеты и воротник соединить с основным полотном при помощи шва для перпендикулярных деталей.
4. Attach the sleeve to the armhole using a hook.
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About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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