If the vertical alternation of relief patterns has already been mastered and you are not afraid of the amount of work ahead, you want to create something truly unusual, you will like the idea of combining patterns in a style akin to the patchwork style.
Model Inna Tishchenko
Size 48-50.

Required: 800 g (“Lana Gold”, 50% wool, 50% acrylic; 100 g/240 m); straight and circular knitting needles No. 4; hook No. 3.5.
Rubber: 2 knit, 2 purl.
Knitting density: 23 p. x 24.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Back: cast on 112 sts and knit 6 cm with an elastic band, in the last row evenly add 12 sts, knitting them crossed from the broach between the loops (= 124 sts).
Continue in the following order: chrome, purl 1, 28 stitches of pattern 1, 14 stitches of pattern 2, 28 stitches of pattern 1, 14 stitches of pattern 2, 28 stitches of pattern 1, purl 1, chrome.

At a height of 50 cm from the beginning, for the armholes on both sides, close 3 sts and in every 2nd row 1 time 2 and 1 time 1 (= 112 sts).
At a height of 70 cm from the beginning, for the neckline, close the middle 36 stitches and then finish both sides separately; to round the inner edge, close in every 2nd row 1 time 3, 1 time 2 and 1 time the remaining 33 stitches of the shoulder.
Before: cast on 112 sts and knit 6 cm with an elastic band, in the last row evenly add 12 sts (= 124 sts). Continue in the following order: edge, knit 3, 24 stitches of pattern 3, purl 1, 21 stitches according to pattern 2 – 1 time from 1st to 10th + 1 time from 1st to 11th , 24 points of scheme 5, from the 1st to 11th points of scheme 2, 38 points of scheme 1, chrome.

Alternate patterns in height, if necessary, at the border of changing patterns, add or reduce 1-2 points:
after 40 rows on the right, instead of 24 sts of pattern 3, knit 24 sts according to pattern 4;
after 20 rows on the left, instead of 38 sts of pattern 1, knit 38 sts according to pattern 3;
after 12 rows in the center (to the right of pattern 3) 46 p. - 3 p. of pattern 6, 40 p. according to pattern 1, 3 p. of pattern 7;
after 20 rows on the right, 33 stitches - edging, 10 stitches purl. smooth, 23 p. pattern 8;
after 4 rows on the left, 38 stitches before the edge - from the 1st to 4th stitches of pattern 3; Repeat 2 times 3 points of pattern 7, 24 points of pattern 5, 4 points of pattern 9.
Make armholes as on the back.
To cut the neckline at a height of 66 cm from the beginning, close the middle 30 sts and finish both sides separately; to round the inner edge, close in every 2nd row 2 times 3 times, 2 times 2 times and 4 times 1 point each. At the height 72 cm from the beginning, close off 33 sts of the shoulder.

Sleeve: cast on 46 sts and knit 6 cm with an elastic band, in the last row evenly add 10 sts (= 56 sts). Continue in the following order: chrome, 3 points of pattern 9, 14 points of pattern 2, 20 points of pattern 1, 14 points of pattern 2, 3 points of pattern 9, chrome.
To expand, add 1 p. on both sides in every 6th row 6 times and in every 8th row 10 times (= 88 p.), insert loops into the pattern of diagram 9. At a height of 46 cm from the beginning, close for okat on both sides 3 p. and in each 2nd row 1 time 2, 6 times 1, 2 times 2 p., 2 times 3 p., 2 times 4 p., 1 time 5 and 1 time the remaining 20 sts.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
Assembly: sew shoulder seams.
Along the edge of the neckline, crochet a chain, imitating a “chain stitch”: along the front side, pierce the edge of the product with a hook, pull out a loop, leave it on the hook; *pierce the product again at a distance of 1 stitch of the chain, pull out the loop and pull it through the loop on the hook, repeat from *; Having completed the last loop, fasten the thread.
On circular needles along the edge of the neckline, cast on 96 sts under the crocheted chain. Knit in a circle 3 cm with an elastic band, close the loops.
Sew side seams, sleeve seams, sew them into armholes
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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