Для морозных дней: оттенки голубого и мятного, удобные силуэты оверсайз, мягкая пряжа и многообразие структур — холод нам не страшен! Разные «косы» и V-образные сетчатые вставки делают этот пуловер особенным — великолепная находка для всех, кто неравнодушен к оригинальным деталям.
Dimensions: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46

You will need: пряжа (36% хлопка, 23% полиамида, 18% полиакрила, 17% шерсти альпака, 6% шерсти; 100 м/50 г) — 450 (500) 550 г голубой; спицы № 6 и 7; короткие круговые спицы № 6.

Pattern 1 (knitting needles No. 6): elastic (even number of loops). Rows in forward and reverse directions: knit and purl rows = edge, alternately 1 knit, 1 purl, edge. Circular rows: alternately 1 knit, 1 purl.

Knit the following patterns on needles No. 7!
Pattern 2: pattern of small “braids” A (on 7 (11) 15 p.) = knit honeycomb. diagram 1. It shows the front row. In the purl row, knit all the loops according to the pattern. Perform 1 loop from arrow A (B) C. Constantly repeat the 1st and 2nd rows.
Pattern 3: pattern of small “braids” B (on 7 (11) 15 p.) = knit as pattern 2, but according to diagram 2. Perform loops to arrow A (B) C 1 time.

Pattern 4: combination of patterns from “braids” (66 stitches) = knit corn, pattern 3. It shows the front rows. In the purl rows, knit all the loops according to the pattern, from 2 yarn overs in a row, knit the 1st yarn over with a knit yarn over, and knit the 2nd yarn over with a knit yarn over. For the back, perform rows 1-30 3 times, then finish with rows 1-12. = only 102 rub. For the front, perform rows 1-30 twice, then finish with rows 31-72. = only 102 rub. For sleeves, perform rows 1-72 once.

Pattern 5: лицевая гладь = лицевые ряды — лицевые петли, изнаночные ряды — изнаночные петли.
Sequence of patterns A (on 82 (90) 98 p.): edge, 7 (11) 15 p. pattern 2, 66 p. pattern 4, 7 (11) 15 p. pattern 3, edge.
Sequence of patterns B(initially on 44 (48) 52 p.): edge, 42 (46) 50 p. pattern 4 (= arrow A-B (CD) EF pattern 3), edge.
Average knitting density: 15 p. x 18 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of knitting
Back: cast on 82 (90) 98 sts on the knitting needles and for the bottom bar knit 1.5 cm with pattern 1, and start with 1 purl row.
Continue work cog. sequence of patterns A, while maintaining the corresponding sequence of rows in height.
After 35.5 cm = 64 r. (33.5 cm = 60 rub.) 31 cm = 56 rub. from the bottom bar close on both sides for armholes 1 x 6 p. = 70 (78) 86 p.
After 53.5 cm = 96 r. from the bottom bar close the middle 22 (24) 26 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.
To round the inner edge, close in every 2nd r. 1 x 2 p. and 1 x 1 p.
After 56.5 cm = 102 r. From the bottom bar, close off the remaining 21 (24) 27 shoulder stitches.

Before: knit like a back, but pay attention to the changed sequence of rows in height, for a deeper neckline after 48 cm = 86 r. from the bottom bar close the middle 18 (20) 22 sts and close the honeycomb to bevel the neckline. pattern in every 2nd r. 5 x 1 p.
Sleeves: cast on the knitting needles for each sleeve 34 (38) 42 p. and for the placket knit 8 cm with pattern 1, start with 1 purl row and in the last purl row evenly add 10 p. = 44 (48) 52 p.
Continue cell operation. sequence of patterns B, while not making incomplete crossings along the edge, but knitting loops with pattern 5.
At the same time, add on both sides for bevels in every 8th row. from the bar 3 × 1 p. and then in every 6th p. 6 x 1 p. (in every 6th r. 10 x 1 p.) in every 6th r. 8 x 1 p. and then in every 4th r. 3 x 1 p. and due to these increases, expand pattern 4 on both sides = 62 (68) 74 p.
After 40 cm = 72 r. close all loops from the bar.

Assembly: sew shoulder seams.
For the collar, cast on 72 (76) 80 stitches on circular needles along the edge of the neckline and knit with pattern 1 in circular rows.
7 cm from the beginning of knitting the collar, close all the loops with a strip of hollow cord as follows: at the end of the row, cast on 2 new loops and place both loops on the left knitting needle.
Then * knit 1 st, knit the next 2 sts from the left knitting needle together with the knitting needle crossed, return these 2 sts from the right knitting needle to the left knitting needle, move the thread behind the work forward and tighten tightly, from * repeat until only 2 remain P.
Cut the working thread, connect 2 stitches with a knitted seam to the starting row.
Slightly stretching, sew in the sleeves, sew side seams and sleeve seams.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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