Серый мужской пуловер с шалевым воротником
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Male Models

Gray men's pullover with shawl collar

мужской пуловер

Knitted pullover with a central braid pattern. The neckline on this pullover is interestingly played out.

Size: 52-54 (56-58)

If only one value is given, it applies to all sizes.


Yarn: 700 (750) g melange yarn (70% merino wool, 30% alpaca, 60m/50 g) Knitting needles: circular no. 4, no. 8, hook no. 6. Additionally: 2 buttons.

Knitting density: 11-12 stitches = 10 x 10 cm, braid = 10 cm wide

Knitting patterns

Rubber: alternately k1, p1

Facial surface: face rows - front loops, back rows - purl loops.

Scythe: knit according to the pattern on 19 loops.

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Decrease loops: right edge - edge, k2, slip 1 as purl, k1 and pull it through the removed loop.

Left edge - 2 faces together, 2 edge faces.

мужской пуловер

Knitted men's pullover with shawl collar

Before. On knitting needles No. 8, cast on 65 (71) sts, knit with an elastic band of 8 cm, while in the last purl row evenly add 6 sts. On the knitting needle 71 (77) sts.

Next knit: 26 (29) stitches in satin stitch, 19 stitches in braids, 26 (29) stitches in satin stitch.

At a height of 42 cm, for armholes on both sides, decrease (as described above) 7 times, 1p in every 2nd row. On the knitting needle 57(63) sts.

To cut the neckline, bind off the middle 19 stitches, finish both sides separately, while to bevel the neckline on the inner edges, bind off 5 times, 1 stitch in every 4th row. At a height of 23 cm from the beginning of the armhole, close the loops for the shoulder bevel as follows: from the outside, close 2 times 7p (1 time 8p and 1 time 1p) in every 2nd row.

Back. On needles No. 8, cast on 65 (71) sts, knit with an 8 cm elastic band. Then knit in stockinette stitch. At a height of 42 cm, start knitting the armholes in the same way as on the front. On the knitting needle 51(57) sts. At a height of 23 cm from the beginning of the armhole, create a shoulder bevel in the same way as on the front part.

Sleeve. On knitting needles No. 8, cast on 31 sts, knit with an 8 cm rib. Then knit in stockinette stitch. For sleeve bevels on both sides, add 1 stitch 7 times in every 8th row. There are 45 sts on the knitting needle. At a height of 46 cm from the start of work, for the edging of the sleeves on both sides, decrease (as described above) 11 times, 1 st in each 2nd row. Close the remaining 23p.

Assembly. Sew shoulder seams. For the collar, use size 4 circular needles to cast on 79 sts from the front beveled edges of the neckline and the edge of the back neckline. Using knitting needles No. 8, knit with a 10 cm elastic band, bind off the loops. Fold the narrow edges of the collar into the middle of the front part of the neckline, on top of each other on the left side, and sew. Crochet buttonholes. The length of the loop is 7 cm, tie 1 row of single crochets. Place the loops like this: the 1st loop on the left side of the collar at a height of 3 cm from the bottom edge, the 2nd loop at a height of 3 cm from the first. Sew buttons on the right side of the collar. Sew side seams and sleeve seams. Sew in the sleeves.

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