Насыщенный сиреневый оттенок — словно глоток свежего воздуха! Он оживляет и вместе с выразительным ажуром придает пуловеру с рукавами три четверти нечто особенное. Узкая резинка по краям обеспечивает стабильность, а пряжа из органического хлопка — — верная примета наступающей весны.
Dimensions: 38/40 (44/46) 50.

You will need: yarn (100% cotton; 125 m/50 g) - 350 (400) 450 g lilac; knitting needles No. 3 and 4; circular needles No. 3.
Rubber. Rows in forward and reverse directions. Odd number of loops.
Persons p.: edge, alternately 1 purl, 1 front, finish with 1 purl and edge.
Out. r.: knit all loops according to the pattern
In circular rows: even number of stitches. Knit alternately 1 knit, 1 purl.
Openwork pattern. The number of loops is a multiple of 16 + 9 stitches + 2 edge stitches. Knit according to the pattern. It shows only the facial rows; In purl rows, knit loops according to the pattern, knit yarn overs purl. Start with a loop in front of the right arrow, repeat the rapport between the arrows and finish with loops after the left arrow. Constantly repeat 1-32nd r.

Knitting density: 20 p. x 29.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm.
Description of knitting
Back. On knitting needles No. 3, cast on 107 (123) 139 sts and knit for a 2.5 cm strap = 9 r. with an elastic band, and start with 1 purl. R. Then switch to needles No. 4 and continue working with an openwork pattern. For the neck after 41.5 cm = 122 r. (45.5 cm = 134 rub.) 49.5 cm = 146 rub. close off the middle 35 stitches from the bar and finish both sides separately. To round the cutout from the inner edge in every 2nd r. close 1 time 3 p. and 1 time 2 p.
After 45 cm = 132 r. (49 cm = 144 rub.) 53 cm = 156 rub. close off the remaining 31 (39) 47 sts from the bar. Finish the second side symmetrically.
Before. Knit like a back, but with a deeper neckline. To do this, after 38 cm = 112 rubles. (42 cm = 124 rub.) 46 cm = 136 rub. close off the middle 25 stitches from the bar and finish both sides separately. To bevel the neckline from the inner edge, decrease 10 times in every 2nd r. 1 p. Finish the second side symmetrically.
Sleeves. Using knitting needles No. 3, cast on 83 (99) 115 sts for each sleeve and knit 2.5 cm = 9 r for the placket. with an elastic band, and start with 1 purl. R. Then switch to knitting needles No. 4 and continue working with an openwork pattern, distributing the loops as follows: edge stitch, repeat the repeat between the arrows and finish with a loop after the repeat and the edge stitch.
After 19 cm = 56 r. Close all loops from the bar.

Assembly. Sew shoulder seams. For the strap along the edge of the neckline, cast on 122 sts on circular needles and knit 3 cm with an elastic band in circular rows. Close all loops. Sew in the sleeves. Sew sleeve seams and side seams.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Вязаный пуловер с миксом узоров: игра с ажуром, сквозными дорожками и лицевой гладью. В итоге вы получите вещь, которую не купишь ни в одном магазине.
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