The delicate powder color gives this pullover made of viscose, mohair and polyamide a special softness and femininity, and three different openwork patterns will not let you get bored at work
Dimensions: 38/40 (42/44) 46/48

You will need: 400 (450) 500 g of powder-colored yarn (70% viscose, 20% super royal mohair, 10% polyamide, 191 m/50 g); straight and circular knitting needles No. 4.
Garter stitch: лиц. и изн. р. — лиц. п.
Out. smooth surface: лиц. р. — изн. п., изн. р. -лиц. п..
Braid pattern: the number of loops is a multiple of 10 + 3 (5) 7 + 2 chrome. knit according to pattern 1, which shows the faces. and out. r.. Start with 1 chrome. and 0 (1) 2 p. purl. satin stitch, repeat rapport, end with loops after repeat, O (1) 2 p. smooth and 1 chrome.
Repeat from 1st to 20th r.

Face surface: лиц. р. — лиц. п.. изн. р. — изн. п.
Diamond Pattern: the number petep is a multiple of 4 + 2 chrome. knit according to pattern 2, which shows only persons. r., in purl. R. knit loops according to the pattern, knit yarn overs, knit 2 yarn overs in a row as knit 1. and 1 persons. cross. Start with 1 chrome. and loops before rapport, repeat repeat, end with loops after repeat and 1 chrome.
Repeat from 1st to 8th row.

Zigzag pattern, straight and reverse p.: the number of loops is a multiple of 12 + 1 + 2 chrome. knit according to pattern 3, which shows only persons. r., in purl. R. Knit all loops and yarn overs. Start with 1 edge, repeat the rapport, end with a loop after the repeat and 1 edge. Repeat from 1st to 10th row.
Zigzag pattern, circular lines: the number of loops is a multiple of 12. Also knit according to pattern 3, which shows only odd circular rows, 8 even circular rows, knit all loops and yarn overs.
Repeat rapport from the 1st to the 10th circular row.
Out. garter stitch, circular p: alternately no 1 circular r. purl and persons
Sequence of alternating patterns A: 2 r. persons smooth, 62 rub. braid pattern, 4 r. persons smooth, 64 rub. diamond pattern.
Attention! To align the pattern in the 1st row. decrease 1 p, and in the last purl. R. add it again), 4 rubles. persons smooth, 60 (70) 80 rub. zigzag pattern, 2 r. persons smooth = total 198 (208) 218 rub.
Sequence of alternating patterns B: 4 rub. persons iron. 160 rub. zigzag pattern. 2 r. persons smooth = only 166 rub.
Knitting density: 28 p. and 35.5 r = 10 × 10 cm.

Back: dial on 135 (147) 159 p. and knit for the bar 0.5 cm = 3 p. in garter stitch, starting with 1 purl. R. Then knit in sequence A.
After 53 cm = 190 rub. (56 cm = 200 rub.) 59 cm = 210 rub. From the placket, close the middle 35 (41) 47 p. for the neckline and finish both sides separately.
To round, close from the inner edge in every 2nd r. 3 x 5 p.
After 55.5 cm = 198 rub. (58.5 cm = 208 rub.) 61.5 cm = 218 rub. From the bar, close off the remaining 35 (38) 41 shoulder stitches on each side.
Before: knit in the same way, but for a deeper neckline, close after 46.5 cm = 166 r. (49.5 cm = 176 rub.) 52.5 cm = 186 rub. from the bar the average is 25 (31) 37 p. and in every 2nd p. 1 x 5, 1 x 4, 1 x 3, 2 x 2 and 4 x 1 p.
Sleeves: dial on 75 (87) 99 p. and knit for the bar 1 cm = 5 r. in garter stitch, starting with 1 purl. p.. Then knit in sequence B.
At the same time, from the bar, add sleeves for bevels on both sides every 10th r. 16 x 1 p. = 107 (119) 131 p., including added loops to the pattern.
After 46.5 cm = 166 rubles. Close all loops from the bar.
Assembly: sew shoulder seams. Using circular knitting needles, cast on 156 (168) 180 stitches along the neckline from the inside and knit in circular rows. zigzag pattern collar.
At collar height 3.5 cm = 12 circular r. add 1 person to give shape after each rapport. cross. from a transverse thread and knit it in satin stitch = 169 (182) 195 p.
Repeat these additions 1 more time at a collar height of 12 cm = 42 circular r. = 182 (196) 210 p.
At collar height 14 cm = 50 circular r. knit 2 more circular rows. persons and 5 circular r. purl garter stitch. Then close all the loops. Sew in sleeves, side seams and sleeve seams.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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