Вязаное платье спицами, ручная работа по мотивам палантина «Павлинье Перо».
Автор модели Лилия Вигнан. Опубликовано на сайте www.liliavignan.com
Платье связано из итальянского шелка Sumatra 3000м/100гр.
- In 4 folds – 750m/100g.
- Addi knitting needles 1.75; 2.0; 2.5.
- Yarn consumption 320g

Weight including lining 520g

Stole Peacock feather.

Getting started - a 1x1 ribbed waistband on 1.75mm knitting needles. round

Next, we knit the front and back from the waist up in the round according to pattern 1 using 2.0mm knitting needles.
We knit the armholes and neckline of the front and back separately.

We process the neckline with i-cord and a chain of air loops with beads.

The skirt of the dress is knitted from the waist down according to the following patterns 6-9. To calculate the loops, we take into account the multiple of 12 loops and an even number of repeats / pattern 9 - 24 loops / Knitting needles 2.0 mm and then 2.5 mm

According to scheme 6 and 7

Diagram 8 is larger

Scheme 9 The last row is closed with crocheted arches of air loops with beads.
Sewn-in sleeves are knitted in the same way. Elastic 1x1 in a circle and the head of the sleeve up according to pattern 1. From the elastic downwards, we knit the sleeve according to patterns 6-9. We take into account the multiplicity in the pattern of 9 - 24 loops.

Схема палантина — Павлинье перо

A knitted lining, several shades darker, is sewn along the edge of the neckline. At the waist line, the lining is fixed with beads, which are sewn along the back rows. The dress and lining are without a zipper, as the knitted silk fabric is very elastic.

Thank you for watching.
You can find a knitted dress and my other works here. More patterns and descriptions of the stole can be found in the Collection of patterns and patterns.

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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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The most gorgeous dress! Simply indescribable beauty! Thank you very much for the description.
The most gorgeous dress (and all other products as well) on the most charming woman. Thank you for your time spent for us. We know and appreciate your work.
Great job! Thanks for the beauty.!
Gorgeous woman in a gorgeous dress!!!!! Amazing work!!!
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