Women's pullover
Dimensions: 40/42 (44/46)
Differences for size 44/46 are given in parentheses. If there is only one number, then it applies to both sizes.

You will need: 700 (750) g yellow yarn (51 % synthetic, 49% cotton; 110 m/50 g); knitting needles No. 3.5 and 4; circular knitting needles No. 3.5.
Rubber: alternately 1 knit, 1 purl.
Main pattern: knit according to pattern A.
Openwork pattern: knit according to pattern B.

Knitting density: 20 p. x x 26-27 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with the main pattern.

Before: on knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 92 (104) sts and knit with an elastic band of 7 cm, while in the last purl row evenly add 24 sts = 116 (128) sts. Then knit with the main pattern using knitting needles No. 4, for this, after the edge, start along pattern, knit rapport 6 times and finish according to the pattern + edge.
43 cm from the bottom edge of the part (3 repeats in height are knitted) on all loops, knit an openwork yoke according to pattern B, for this, after the edging, start according to the pattern, knit the repeat 6 times, finish according to the pattern + edging.
After 55 cm from the bottom edge of the part, close the middle 12 stitches for the neckline and then finish both sides separately, while closing in every 2nd row to round the neckline. 1 time 4 p., 1 time 3 p., 3 times 2 p. and 3 times 1 p. At a height of 9 cm from the beginning of the neckline, close the remaining 36 (42) p. shoulder.
Back: knit as before, but only after 61 cm from the bottom edge of the part, close the middle 32 stitches for the neckline and close on both sides of them in every 2nd row. 3 times 2 p.
After 3 cm from the beginning of the neckline, bind off the remaining 36 (42) shoulder loops.
Sleeves: on knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 40 sts and knit with an elastic band of 7 cm, while in the last purl row evenly add 20 sts = 60 sts. Then knit with the main pattern using knitting needles No. 4, for this, after the edge, start from the arrow and knit to the end rapport, then repeat the rapport and finish with the edge. For bevels, add 1 stitch on both sides 31 times, alternately in every 2nd and next 4th row. = 122 p. Insert added loops into the main pattern.
After 43 cm from the bottom edge of the part (3 rapports are connected in height), close the loops at the same time.
Assembly: sew shoulder seams. Along the edge of the neckline, cast on approx. 108 sts and knit a 4 cm wide binding with an elastic band, then close the loops according to the pattern. Sew in the sleeves, sew side seams and sleeve seams.
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My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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