Кардиган с ажурными планками из листьев
Knitting, Knitting ideas, Coats, cardigans, jackets

Cardigan with openwork leaf trims

вязаный кардиган

This cardigan attracts attention with its openwork pattern and white color.

The author's model and description are given for the two-color version.

It’s up to you to choose which option is more interesting.

Pattern diagrams and descriptions with translation allow you to do this...

вязаный кардиган

Cardigan “Climbing Rose”

Laura Zukaite uses two shades of rose to highlight the fitted lines of this unusual cardigan.

По передним краям по центру расположены мотивы листьев, а по туловищу и рукавам — глубокая кайма из многослойных гребешков, выполненных в технике интарсия.

Seamless yoke; Once the fronts, back and sleeves are knitted, they are joined and the entire yoke is knitted on circular needles.

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