Men's pullover with fancy pattern
Let's raise the collar of our sweater higher and we won't be afraid of the cold!
Dimensions: 14 years/S/M/L

You will need: 18/19/21/23 skeins of red Pompadour 1149 Bouton D'Or Cocoon yarn (60% alpaca, 40% wool, 75 m / 50 g); knitting needles No. 4.5; 1 extra knitting needle.
Elastic band 1/1. Alternately knit 1, purl 1.
English gum. 1st row: persons. p. 2-And r.: chrome.., 1 p., * 1 double knit. (insert knitting needle 1 row below), purl 1*, chrome. Repeat these 2 times.
Fantasy pattern. Knit according to patterns 1 and 2.

Horizontal elastic band. *2 rub. persons satin stitch, 2 r. purl satin stitch*.
Knitting density. Fantasy pattern: 24 p. and 22 r. = 10x10 cm. Horizontal elastic, knitting needles No. 4.5: 16 sts and 26 r. = 10x10 cm.
Description of knitting a men's pullover
Back. On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 114/122/134/142 sts and knit 4 cm with a 2/2 elastic band, starting and ending with 2 knits. Continue (evenly adding 4/8/8/4 p. = 118/130/142/146 p. in the 1st row) as follows: 50/56/58/64 p. with a fantasy pattern according to scheme 1, starting with 2 p./2 p./4 p./4 p., 18 sts with ribbing 2/2, starting with k2, and 50/56/58/64 p. with a fancy pattern according to pattern 2, starting with 2 p. . After 30 cm from the cast-on edge, close 1 x 1 stitch on both sides and double 2 middle stitches (= 8 stitches with 2/2 elastic, 4 knits and 8 stitches with 2/2 elastic in the middle of the work), after 2 p. close 1 x 1 stitch on both sides, then double 2 middle stitches, knitting them purlwise. (=10 sts with 2/2 rib, purl 2 and 10 sts with 2/2 rib in the middle of the work). Knit the middle stitches with a horizontal elastic band, continuing to increase and closing on both sides:
*after 2 r. 1x1 p., in each 4-m. 3x1 p.* 5 times and every 4th r. Zx1 p./
*after 2 r. 1x1 p., in each 4-m. 4x1 p.* 7 times and every 4th p. 10x1 p./
*after 2 r. 1x1 p., after 4 p. 1x1 p.* 11 times and every 4th p. 4x1 p./
*after 2 r. 1x1 p., after 4 p. 1x1 p.* 13 times and after 4 p. 1x1 p.
At the same time, in the middle of the work, add 1 p. immediately after and immediately before 8 p. elastic 2/2. In every 2nd or 4th r. add 2 p. in a horizontal elastic band and in every 2nd or 4th p. subtract 2 p. in a fantasy pattern.
At the same time, 36 cm from the cast-on edge for the armholes, close on both sides in each 2nd p.: 1x5 p., 2x4 p., 2x3 p., 2x2 p. and 1x1 p./2x5 p., 2x4 p., 2x3 p. ., 2x2 p. and 1x1 p./2x5 p., 2x4 p., 3x3 p., 2x2 p. and 2x1 p./2x5 p., 2x4 p., 3x3 p., 3x2 p. and 1x1 p. = 70/72/76/78 p.
After 59/60/61/62 cm from the cast-on edge for shoulder bevels, close on both sides in each 2-fold: 3x4 sts and 1x5 sts/2x4 sts and 2x5 sts/4x5 sts/3x5 sts and 1xb p. At the same time, for the neckline, close off the middle 16 sts and knit further separately, closing along the edges of the neckline in each 2-m. 2x5 p.
Before. Knit as for the back, but for the neckline, 55/56/517/58 cm from the cast-on edge, close the middle 12 stitches and then knit separately, closing along the edges of the neckline in every 2nd row. 1x4 p. 1x3 p., 1x2 p., 1x1 p., in each 4-m. 2x1 p.
After 59/60/61/62 cm from the cast-on edge, make bevels of the shoulders, as on the back.
Right sleeve. On knitting needles No. 4.5, cast on 42/46/50/54 sts and knit 4 cm with a 2/2 elastic band, starting with k2. Continue with a fantasy pattern according to scheme 2, starting with 2 purls and evenly adding in the 1st row. 8/10/12/14 p. = 50/56/62/68 p. For sleeve bevels, add on both sides: in every 4th r. 21 x 1 p. and in every 2nd r. 2x1 p./in every 4th r. 22 x1 p./in every 4th r. 22x1 p./through br. 1x1 p. and in every 4th p. 20x11 p. =96/100/106/110 p., gradually including the added p. in the fantasy pattern.
After 45 cm from the cast-on edge for the piping, close the sleeves on both sides in each 2-fold: 1x4 sts, 2x3 sts, 3x2 sts, 7x1 sts, 4x2 sts, 1x3 sts and 1x4 sts/1x4 sts ., 2x3 p., 4x2 p., 6x1 p., 3x2 p. 2x3 p. and 1x4 p./1x4 p., 3 x3 p., 3x2 p., 5x1 p., 3x2 p., 3x3p. and 1x4 p. ./2x4 p. 2x3 p., 3x2 p.... 5x1 p. 3x2 p., 2x3 p. and 2x4 p. After 62 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off the remaining 20 p.
Left sleeve. Knit the same way according to pattern 1.
Assembly. Sew one shoulder seam. Cast on 84 sts along the neckline and knit 12 cm with an English elastic band, bind off the loops. Sew the second shoulder seam and the collar seam. Sew side seams and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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