Men's sweater with a beautiful central braid
Dimensions: 50 — 54 — 56.
Product length 88-96-106 cm.

You will need: 600-750-800 g of dark beige yarn (100% wool, 75 m/50 g), 250-300-300 g of melange gray-beige yarn (52% silk, 48% wool, 200 m/50 g); knitting needles No. 5; stocking needles No. 5, knitting needles No. 6.
Attention! Knit with a double thread, connecting each type of yarn.
Elastic 3 x 3: alternately 3 persons. p., 3 p. P.
Pattern 1 and Pattern 2: knit according to the pattern.
Даны только лиц. р. Узор 1 (П. 1) — первые 10 р. схемы.
Черные квадраты в узоре — нет петли — пропускать их.
Узор 2 (П. 2) — 24 р. по схеме, начиная с 11 р.

Knitting density. On knitting needles No. 6 with double thread, knit. stitch: 13 p. and 18 r.
Before. На спицы № 5 набрать двойной нитью 60-66-72 п. и вязать резинкой следующим образом (1 р. резинки — лиц. сторона):
for size 50: chrome (except stitches for all sizes in knits and purl knit stitches), * 3 purl stitches, 3 knits. p.*, repeat from * to * 2 times, pattern 1 for 34 p., *knit 3. p., 3 p. p. *, repeat from * to * 2 times, chrome;
for size 54: chrome, * 3 persons. p., 3 p. p. *, repeat from * to * 2 times, 3 persons. p., pattern 1 by 34 p., * k3. p., 3 p. p. *, repeat from * to * 2 times, 3 persons. n., chrome;
for size 56: chrome, *3 p. n., 3 persons. p. *, repeat from * to * 3 times, pattern 1 for 34 p., * knit 3, purl 3. *, repeat from * to * 3 times, chrome.
Having knitted completely pattern 1 (fabric = approximately 6 cm), switch to knitting needles No. 6, on the knitting needles, taking into account the 14 sts added according to the pattern = 74-80-86 sts.
Continue as follows: chrome, 12-15-18 sts. satin stitch, pattern 2 by 48 p., 12-15-18 p. iron, chrome
At a height of 12 cm, add 1 stitch on both sides every 5-6-7 cm 4 times = 82-88-94 stitches.
At a height of 35-43-44 cm, close the armhole on both sides in every 2nd row: 3 stitches 1 time. 2 p. 1-0-1 times. and 1 p. 2-1-2 times = 68-80-80 p.
At a height of 50-59-61 cm, decrease 14 sts, evenly distributing the decreases over the middle 48 sts. Next. R. close off the middle 14-16-16 stitches for the neckline.
Then close every 2nd r. to form the neck line: 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 2 times = 16-21-21 sts for each shoulder.
Cast off all loops at a height of 56-66-68 cm.
Back. On needles No. 5, use double thread to cast on 59-65-71 stitches and knit with an elastic band as follows: edge, * k3. p., 3 p. p.. *, repeat from * to * 3 persons. n., chrome.
At a height of 6 cm, switch to needles No. 6 and knit. satin stitch
At a height of 12 cm, add sts on both sides for side bevels in the same way as on the front = 67-73-79 sts.
Close the stitch for the armhole in the same way as on the front = 53-65-65 stitches.
At a height of 54-64-66 cm, close off the middle 19-21-21 stitches for the neckline. Next R. decrease 1 p. on each side of the neck = 16-21-21 p. for each shoulder.
Close all stitches at a height of 56-66-68 cm.
Sleeves. On needles No. 5, use double thread to cast on 32-32-38 sts and knit with a 3/3 elastic band, knitting the edge. n. always persons. At a height of 6-8-8 cm, switch to needles No. 6 and knit. satin stitch
At a height of 10-12-10 sts, add 1 st on both sides every 3.5-3-3.5 cm 10-12-11 times = 52-56-60 sts.
At a height of 46-48-49 cm, close the sleeves for the armhole on both sides in every 2nd row: 4 sts 1 time, 3 sts 1 time. 2 p. 1-1-2 times and 1 p. 3-1-1 times, at a height of 54-54-58 cm close 2 p., then close 3 p. 1 time
Bind off the remaining sts at a height of 55-55-58 cm.
Assembly. Sew shoulder seams.
Using double thread on stocking needles, cast on approximately 60-78 sts along the neckline (the number of sts should be divisible by 6), close into a ring and mark the joining point.
Knit with an elastic band 3/3 12-12-14 cm and then close the stitch according to the drawing.
Cast on double thread from knitting needles. sides on the 1st r. elastic bands (neck) approximately 56 72 new sts, close into a ring and knit 3 r. persons satin stitch Close the stitch, for a more neat look, yarn over every 8 stitches and knit it together with the stitch, closing the row.
Sew sleeves into open armholes
Sew side seams and sleeve seams using edging for seams. P.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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