The expressive combination of embossed braids and arans with a jacquard pattern, as well as bright shades on a beige background, is reminiscent of festive fireworks.

Increase 1 p. on both sides of the marker
At the beginning there is a circle. row: after the marker, knit 1 purl, then add 1 stitch from the transverse thread between 2 stitches (then knit this loop according to the pattern).
At the end there is a circle. row: knit a row to the last loop before the marker, add 1 stitch from the transverse thread between 2 stitches (then knit this loop according to the pattern), 1 purl.
Elastic band (round rows) Knit alternately knit 1, purl 1.
Fantasy pattern (circular rows) Knit according to the counting pattern.
Jacquard pattern (circular rows) Knit according to the counting pattern.
The model is knitted in a single piece in a circle. rows from bottom to top.
On circular needles No. 4.5, cast on 172 (188:204) sts with beige thread, close the loops into a ring and mark the beginning of the circle with a marker. row.
Knit a circle. in rows of 5 cm with an elastic band. Then knit 1 round. R. knit, evenly adding 60 sts = 232 (248:264) sts.
Go to circle. knitting needles No. 6 and continue knitting the circle. in rows in a fancy pattern according to the counting chart of the selected size, as described below.
Size 34/40:
*1 разс1-й по 29-юп., затем 2 раза с 30-й по 58-ю п. и 1 раз с 59-й по 87-ю п., от » повторить еще 1 раз.
Size 42/44:
» 1 раз с 1-й по 31-ю п., затем 2 раза с 32-й по 62-ю п. и 1 раз с 63-й по 93-юп., от* повторить еще 1 раз.
Size 46/52:
* 1 раз с 1-й по 33-юп., затем 2 раза с 34-й по 66-ю п. и 1 раз с 67-й по 99-ю п., от» повторить еще 1 раз.
After the first 38 rubles are knitted. counting pattern, continue knitting the circle. in rows with fancy and jacquard patterns, making the decreases indicated in the diagram (to compensate for the difference in the density of the patterns).
Knit 16 rounds. rows = 164 (180:196) p.
Then bind off the first 6 sts for the armhole, knit the next 76 (84:92) sts and set them aside, bind off the next 6 sts for the other armhole, knit the last 76 (84:92) sts and set them aside.
To the circle. Using knitting needles No. 4.5, use beige thread to cast on 44 (48:52) sts, close the loops into a ring and mark the beginning of the circle with a marker. row.
Knit a circle. in rows of 4 cm with an elastic band. Then knit 1 round. R. knit, evenly adding 23 sts = 67 (71:75) sts.
Switch to size 6 needles and continue knitting in the round. in rows with a fancy pattern in accordance with the counting pattern of the selected size, starting from 14 (15:16) sts.
Knit once from the 1st to the 12th row, then 2 times from the 13th to the 36th row. and 1 time from 37th to 54th.
Для скосов прибавить с обеих сторон от маркера (см. Особые условные обозначения) в каждом следующем 6-м р. 10 (8:6) х 1 п. и в каждом следующем 4-м р. — (3:6) х 1 п. = 87 (93:99) п. Прибавленные петли по возможности вязать по узору.
After 62 rubles are tied. patterns, continue knitting the circle. in rows with fancy and jacquard patterns, making the decreases indicated on the counting chart (to compensate for the difference in the density of the patterns).
Knit 16 rounds. rows = 63 (69:75) sts. Cast off the first 3 sts, knit the next 57 (63:69) sts and set them aside, then cast off the last 3 sts.
Knit the 2nd sleeve in the same way.
To the circle. knitting needles No. 5.5, transfer the delayed loops: 76 (84:92) back sts, 57 (63:69) sts.
1st sleeve, 76 (84:92) p. front and 57 (63: 69) p. 2nd sleeve = 266 (294:322) p.
Close the loops into a ring and mark the beginning of the circle with a marker. row.
Continue knitting the circle. in rows with a jacquard pattern according to the counting pattern, starting from the 55th r. and, performing the indicated decreases.
After all rows of the pattern are knitted, on the needles = 98 sts.
Switch to circular knitting needles No. 4.5 and continue knitting with light brown thread in circular rows with an elastic band, evenly decreasing 10 sts in the 1st circular row = 88 sts. After 4 cm from the beginning of the neck binding, close the loops.

Sew seams at the bottom of the armholes.

1 motive = 29 p. at the beginning of work
Back and front: вязать с 1-го по 54-йр. Вязать » 1 раз с1-й по 29-ю п., 2 раза с 30-й по 58-ю п., 1 раз с 59-й по 87-ю п., от* повторить еще 1 раз.
Sleeves: knit from the 1st to the 12th row, then 2 times from the 13th to the 36th row, then from the 37th to the 54th row.
Yoke: knit from 55th to 100th r.

1 motive = 31 p. at the beginning of work
Back and front: вязать с 1-го по 54-й р. Вязать * 1 раз с 1-й по 31-ю п., 2 раза с 32-й по 62-ю п., 1 раз с 63-й по 93-ю п., от» повторить еще 1 раз.
Sleeves: knit from the 1st to the 12th row, then 2 times from the 13th to the 36th row, then from the 37th to the 54th row.
Yoke: knit from 55th to 104th.

1 motive = 33 p. at the beginning of work
Back and front: вязать с 1-го по 54-й р. Вязать » 1 раз с 1-й по 33-ю п., 2 раза с 34-й по 66-ю п., 1 раз с 67-й по 99-ю п., от» повторить еще 1 раз.
Sleeves: knit from the 1st to the 12th row, then 2 times from the 13th to the 36th row, then from the 37th to the 54th row.
Yoke: knit from 55th to 108th.

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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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