The beautiful branching pattern and comfortable dolman sleeves can turn anyone's head! The wide elastic band of the lower strap turns into diamonds of “braids”, which gradually become larger towards the shoulders. Despite the volume, the pullover does not seem bulky due to the super soft noble yarn made of cashmere and yak wool.
Dimensions: 40/42 (46/48)

You will need: пряжа (85% кашемира, 15% шерсти яка; 145 м/50 г) — 600 (700) г темно-красной; круговые спицы № 4.5 и 5.
Attention: Due to the large number of loops, we recommend knitting on circular knitting needles in rows in forward and reverse directions.
Pattern 1: elastic band A (the number of loops is a multiple of 12 + 2 edge loops).
Front rows: edge, * 2 front, 8 purl, 2 front, from * constantly repeat, edge.
Purl rows: knit loops according to the pattern.
Pattern 2: elastic band B (the number of loops is a multiple of 10 + 2 + 2 edge loops).
Front rows: edge, alternately 2 knit, 8 purl, finish with 2 knit, edge.
Purl rows: knit loops according to the pattern.

Pattern 3: pattern of “braids” and diamonds (the number of loops at first is a multiple of 12 + 2 edge loops.) Knit alternately according to. diagrams 1 and 2. The diagrams show only front rows/odd circular rows; In purl rows/even circular rows, knit loops according to the pattern.
Start with loops in front of the right arrow, constantly repeat the repeat of 12 sts between
arrows or red lines and finish with loops after the left arrow. Perform 1-116th r. once, then for size 46/48 perform 1 more time 85-98th r. Starting from the 85th row, the number of loops is a multiple of 24 + 2 edge loops.

Attention: for the collar last 16 r. perform the pattern in circular rows; to do this, constantly repeat the repeat of 24 stitches between the arrows or red lines.
Pattern 4: лицевая гладь = ряды в прямом и обратном направлении: лицевые ряды — лицевые петли, изнаночные ряды — изнаночные петли. Круговые ряды: только лицевые петли.
Pattern 5: изнаночная гладь = лицевые ряды — изнаночные петли, изнаночные ряды — лицевые петли.
Knitting density: узоры 1 и 2, а также узор 3 вначале — 23 п. х29 р. = 10 х 10 см; узор 3, начиная с 85-го р. — 27 п. х 29 р. = 10 x 10 см.

Back: On knitting needles No. 5, cast on 122 (134) sts in a cross cast-on and purl 1 row.
This series is not taken into account in subsequent calculations.
Then for the bottom bar knit 17 cm = 50 r. (16 cm = 46 r.) pattern 1.
Continue working with pattern 3.
After 39.5 cm = 114 r. (45.5 cm = 132 p.) from the bottom bar in the work there will be 242 (266) p.
В следующем лицевом ряду вязать следующим образом: кромочная, 0 (5) п. узором 4, 7 (14) п. узором 5, » следующие 10 п. «косы» провязать вместе (= 5 п. оставить на вспомогательной спице перед работой и провязать по 1 п. «косы» с 1 п. рабочей спицы вместе = 5 п.), 14 изнаночных, от » выполнить 4 раза, 10 п. согл. узору перекрестить налево, 14 изнаночных, 10 п. согл. узору перекрестить налево, ** 14 изнаноч ных, 10 п. «косы» провязать вместе, от ** выполнить 4 раза, 7 (14) п. узором 5, 0 (5) п. узором 4, кромочная = 202 (226) п.
In the next purl row, bind off 65 (77) shoulder stitches on both sides and set aside the middle 72 stitches for the collar.
Before: knit like a back.

Sleeves: Using knitting needles No. 5, cast on 94 (104) stitches for each sleeve in a cross-shaped cast-on and purl 1 row.
Continue working with pattern 2.
After 31 cm = 90 rub. (33 cm = 96 r.) From the initial row, close all loops.
Assembly: sew shoulder seams.
For the collar, on circular knitting needles No. 4.5, transfer the front and back sets aside by 72 sts (= 144 sts) and knit with a pattern in 3 circular rows, while at the shoulders 5 sts each. Cross the “braids” of the front and back according to. pattern.
After 5 cm = 14 circle. R. from the beginning of knitting the collar in the next circular row, knit 10 sts of “braids” together, respectively, as at the shoulder = 114 sts.
Knit 1 more round. R. according to the drawing, then knit 5.5 cm with pattern 4 and loosely close the loops.
Fold the collar in half, turning it to the wrong side, and sew. Sew in the sleeves.
Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Cross set of hinges
The set of loops is made with double thread.
To do this, you will need an additional thread at least twice as long as the length of the cast-on edge.
First, make the initial loop, for which you connect the middle of the additional thread with the thread of the ball and make the initial loop.
After this, place the single thread coming from the ball, as usual, around the index finger and pass under the fingers (= index finger thread). Place a double additional thread from the outside inwards under the thumb and hold it under the other fingers together with the thread of the index finger (= thread of the thumb).
Now perform the 1st stitch as usual, i.e., pass the knitting needle from the outside in around the thumb, pull out the thread of the index finger and tighten the loop.
For the 2nd stitch, throw off the thumb thread and lay it from the inside out around the thumb.
Now pass the knitting needle under the thread of the thumb lying inside, pull out the thread of the index finger and tighten the loop.
This is an alternation to repeat.
After the initial row, always knit 1 purl row using purl stitches.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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