Футболка с «косами»
Author: Olga Maksheeva
Dimensions XS(SM)L
You will need: пряжа Loro Piana COTTON-SILK (80% хлопок, 20% шелк, 400 м/100 г) — 350(400)450 г, круговые спицы № 5 и № 4 (40 см), вспомогательная спица для вязания кос, маркеры.
Braid pattern: knit according to pattern 1.

Fantasy elastic band: knit according to pattern 2.

Facial surface: When knitting in the round, all stitches are knit.
Increment with a loop to the right: insert the knitting needle under the stitches of the bottom row, transfer it to the left knitting needle and knit a knitting loop behind the left wall (you get a crossed loop).
Increase in loops to the left: insert the knitting needle under the stitches of the bottom row, transfer it to the left knitting needle and knit a knitting loop behind the right wall (you get a crossed loop).
Knitting density Узор «косы» спицами № 5: 21 п. х 27 р. = 10 х 10 см.

Description of work
Attention! Knit in 2 threads, starting from the neckline, down in the round, sleeves - from the armhole.
Back and front
Cast on 114(120)126 stitches (+ 1 stitch to join the knitting in a circle) on circular knitting needles No. 4, knit 6 rows with fancy rib.
Next, move on to needles No. 5 and the braid pattern.
Distribute the loops in accordance with the pattern: 2 x 4 = 8 sts - raglan lines, 40 sts on the back, 46(46)52 sts on the front, 10(13)13 sts on the sleeves.
Mark with markers the middle 8 stitches on the front and back (= the place where the central “braid” will be, make the first overlap of the “braid” after 5 rows).
Start knitting the sprout in turning rows = perform 8 turns: 3 on the shoulder and 5 on the front (8 turns: 3 on the shoulder and 5 on the front) 9 turns: 3 on the shoulder and 6 on the front).
At the same time, along the raglan lines, make increases from broaches between the loops of the previous row after the raglan line (increase with a loop to the left) and before the raglan line (increase with a loop to the right). After completing the sprout, continue knitting on all stitches in the round, continuing to increase stitches along the raglan lines.
When the length of the raglan line reaches 17(19-21)23 cm, remove the sleeve loops to additional ones. knitting needles or thread, and for undercuts, cast on 6 (6-8) 10 loops.
Knit the back and front to the desired length in the round. In the last row before ribbing, change needles to size 4. Continue knitting 10 rows with fancy ribbing and cast off all stitches in an elastic manner.
At the armhole, pick up the stitches, add the reserved stitches and knit the sleeve in the round on size 5 needles in stockinette stitch. If the sleeves are short, then there is no need to make decreases; if the sleeves are longer, then make 2 decreases on the inside of the sleeve in every 10th row.
In the last row before ribbing, change the needles to number 4. Knit 10 rows with fancy ribbing and bind off the loops in an elastic way.
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About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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