Openwork skirt knitted from the center
Юбка или пончо? Выбор за вами: вот модная и оригинальная идея. Эту чудесную модель можно носить в теплые летние вечера на море.
Summer suit with openwork patterns
Ни одна модницы не откажется от красивого и стильного летнего костюма ажурными узорами, который можно будет надеть сразу же с приходом теплых весенних деньков.
Openwork crochet skirt with motifs
The openwork maxi skirt is knitted with beautifully patterned stripes and floral motifs to create a beautiful lace design. A long knitted skirt looks luxurious, feminine, and romantic.
Summer suit in dusty rose color
This delicate summer suit consisting of a short top and skirt is knitted with an interesting geometric pattern.
White patterned skirt
The flared skirt with a scalloped hem is made in a variety of openwork patterns all around. The model will look especially impressive if you use a skirt in a bright contrasting color as an underskirt.
Юбка — Домино
Beautiful crochet skirt model from a Japanese magazine! It can be perceived as an idea, and if you are comfortable with diagrams, then connecting it will not be difficult.
Top and skirt in pastel colors
Изящный летний костюм в пудровых тонах: в одном ансамбле, состоящем из свободного топа и мягкой расклешенной юбки, соединились три нежных оттенка.
Elegant women's suit
A magnificent suit of soft green color consists of an openwork, unusual cut blouse and a straight, narrow skirt.
Openwork suit (skirt and top)
Легкие ажурные платья, топы и юбки, связанные крючком, — идеальный вариант для летнего отдыха. Красиво, женственно и очень соблазнительно!
Skirt "Lada"
Incredibly beautiful crochet skirt that reaches almost to the floor
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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