Элегантный пуловер крючком «Снежная королева»
Stunning pullover! New Year is coming soon, and somehow I’m drawn to everything elegant! And here in the photo there are also balloons, which creates a festive mood.
Crochet blouse
Crocheted blouse of an unusual charming style. This blouse model is designed for size 48/50 and is knitted from cotton yarn with lurex.
Jacket "Isabella"
Large hexagonal elements form the basis of a stunning jacket made from sectionally dyed yarn.
Short jacket with braid pattern
Этот интересный по крою короткий жакет спицами с рельефным узором с косами не останется незамеченным. Его отличительными деталями являются также широкие планки в резинку и двойной ряд пуговиц.
Two-tone jacquard pullover
Nordic patterns can be interpreted this way: a modern design of black and white diamonds, a laconic cut and high-quality yarn.
Long openwork jacket
In a long terracotta-colored cardigan, attention is drawn to the details: original sleeves, small pockets and flowers in a mesh pattern.
Long cardigan with side slits
Тут всё работает на лёгкость и изящество, и ажурный узор, и высокие 6оковые разрезы. Выходя из дома, захватите с собой этот длинный кардиган — на случай, если вдруг станет npoxлaднo !
Jacket: Tweed in the city
Jacket: Tweed in the city
Jumper "Mustard"
The base of this pullover consists of openwork squares, the sleeves are made with a light openwork pattern. The elastic band of the model is made on knitting needles, but you can always crochet it.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Джемпер «Дымка»
Кардиган «Осколки»
Свободный кардиган из квадратов, как мягкое одеяло, окутает вас теплом и нежностью. Красиво, модно и очень комфортно!
Жакет Гретхен
Lace pullover
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