Openwork jumper from motifs.
Hexagonal elements, like puzzles, are folded into a chic sand-colored pullover. This model goes well with trousers and skirts of almost any cut.
Бежевая ажурная туника узором “тюльпаны”
Бежевая ажурная туника узором “тюльпаны”
Топ из мотивов.
Топ из мотивов.
Loin tunic “Squares”
A lemon-colored tunic with original sirloin squares looks very impressive on a red dress.
Свитер с круглой кокеткой — «Серебряный венок»
Вяжем крючком свитер с круглой кокеткой — «Серебряный венок». Бесплатный Мастер-класс
White crochet pullover
Dazzling white cotton pullover
made in the form of rectangles, with a fantasy pattern
with large motifs
Pullover “Ethnica”
Squares, triangles, stripes, bumps and twigs plus a trendy casual-loose silhouette. The trendy pullover is ready!
Pullover with lace rosette stripes
A lightweight summer pullover with stripes of lace rosettes is the perfect addition to your summer wardrobe.
Striped dress “Autumn palette”
Horizontal stripes are a classic style. The right striped dress should be in every woman's wardrobe. This versatile item helps you create a unique look for any occasion.
Pullover with floral pattern
Pullover with floral pattern
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Удлиненный кардиган с поясом
Абсолютный фаворит: длинный кардиган с двойными планками и завязывающимся поясом вместо застежки поистине впечатляет!
Пуловер с павлиньим узором
До чего же красив павлиний узор, особенно когда он идет поперек от рукава к рукаву, ничем не прерываясь и образуя по краям фестоны! Одновременно вяжется и высокий воротник-стойка.
Funny snowmen))
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