Turquoise crochet dress
Summer knitted dress: different openwork patterns, noble turquoise color and slightly flared silhouette. Feeling of complete comfort when wearing.
Summer top and handbag made of motifs.
This summer top with a bob neckline is knitted from flower elements in a square. Part of the nickname is two-color (the top of the product) and part is monochrome - the hem. An elegant handbag is knitted with monochrome motifs
Pink top and scarf
The top and scarf are crocheted and knitted.
Openwork dress with a mix of patterns.
Openwork dress with a mix of patterns.
Pullover with openwork stripes
Свободный по крою, воздушный и очень удобный пуловер с рукавами “летучая мышь” из ажурных полос и спущенных петель станет вашим верным спутником для летних дней.
Olive pullover with wavy pattern
Льнущий к телу шелк необычайно приятен! Этот пуловер связан из фитильной пряжи с тончайшей шелковой оболочкой, наполненной хлопком, — изумительный выбор для узоров любого типа.
Wrap dress with lace trim
This cut of a women's dress, which is advantageous for any type of figure, came into fashion in the 70s of the last century. Having appreciated all the advantages of a wrap dress, many fashionistas have a similar outfit in their wardrobe.
Knitted blouse
Women's crochet top from circulo
Ажурное мини-платье с рукавами — «крылышками»
Ажурное мини-платье с рукавами — «крылышками»
Dress "Ondine"
The long dress in shades of sea and sky is knitted in a gorgeous mesh pattern. These captivating networks have some kind of wonderful magic, don’t you think?
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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В основу кардигана из тончайшего мохера легли воздушные мотивы. Словно мягкие пушистые снежинки!
Openwork jumper
Cream pullover with openwork yoke
The cream pullover will surround you with comfort thanks to the high cashmere content in the thread. This charming model is knitted in stockinette stitch, decorated with an openwork yoke and wide trims.
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