Openwork jumper
The jumper is knitted from cotton. Its peculiarity is the floral and floral elements that decorate the triangular insert and sleeves of the product. The jumper itself is knitted with a very simple pattern. The binding of the hem and sleeves also looks very beautiful.
White pullover
White pullover with knitting needles on a round yoke “Undulating Lines”
Pullover with embossed branches and bumps
Looking for something warm and fashionable for fall? Pay attention to this chic pullover with embossed branches and cones. This is exactly the thing that will become your faithful friend in the cold season.
Pullover “Chocolate Girl”
Openwork fans and cones echo the floral squares, and the pleasant brown harmonizes well with the powdery shade. You must knit this pullover with ethnic elements.
Pullover with zigzag pattern
Three-color zigzag pullover with sleeves decorated with floral motifs.
Pullover with openwork inserts
Пуловер сразу привлекает внимание гармоничным сочетанием ажурных полос в форме листиков и сетчатого узора, придающим пуловеру женственность и неповторимость.
Jumper Nature Awakes
Джемпер с круглой кокеткой вяжется сверху вниз двухцветной Английской резинкой, полосами и ажурным узором.
Treasure Hunt jumper
Джемпер из пряжи DROPS Safran связан снизу вверх, имеет круглую ажурную кокетку и рукава длиной ¾ с воланами. Размеры S — XXXL.
Pullover with round openwork yoke
Круглая кокетка с ажурным рисунком из листьев украшает кофту, а осеннее настроение ей придаёт красивый жёлтый цвет пряжи.
Wave Romance Jumper
Джемпер выполнен в 2 нити пряжи DROPS Kid-Silk. Изделие вяжется сверху вниз регланом с ажурным узором.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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