Openwork cardigan with hood.
Openwork cardigan with hood.
Knitted jumper from motifs
The openwork blouse is knitted from beautiful motifs. The pattern of motifs creates a subtle complex pattern of leaves, twigs and flowers, resulting in a beautiful lace fabric that gives the blouse a romantic look.
Crochet peplum tunic
A slip dress is the perfect partner for a blouse with a piquant slit at the back, luxurious openwork peplum and ruffled sleeves. Alternatively, you can sew buttons along the entire height of the cut.
Crochet cardigan made of openwork motifs
A women's crocheted cardigan, very reminiscent of a bathrobe, despite the beauty of the pattern... However, why shouldn’t a robe be so luxurious, right? There is no limit to perfection…
Pullover with openwork pattern
Связать этот пуловер непросто, но результат выглядит просто восхитительно
Men's cardigan with aran pattern
Светло-серый цвет нити и затейливые араны: любой мужчина, которому достанется этот превосходный кардиган из чистошерстяной пряжи, — просто счастливчик!
Pullover with openwork pattern and braids
A chic white cotton pullover is a must-have item in your summer wardrobe. In this model, narrow braids alternate with an openwork pattern.
Openwork jumper
How many options for openwork jumpers and sweaters are offered by venerable designers and handmade craftsmen. In a shortened version, the so-called crop sweater will be good as an addition to jeans, and will make a good pair with a skirt
Openwork pullover motifs
A spectacular openwork pullover from a Japanese magazine is crocheted from motifs.
Mesh pullover
A knitted pullover can be light and airy if its main parts are knitted with mesh, and braids are added for decoration and volume. Soft lines and comfort in wearing the pullover are given by the knitted elastic band of the high collar, along the bottom of the pullover and sleeves.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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