Crochet coat with openwork spider pattern
The model embodies elegance and sophistication. The combination of a tightly knitted front and an openwork hem looks unusual and stylish.
Dress using fillet knitting technique
The model is made using the fillet knitting technique. Complex ornamental patterns are separated by strips of fillet mesh.
White tunic with roses
The versatility and democratic nature of the tunic allows a woman to feel confident and beautiful.
Туника » Птички»
Outlandish birds, bunches of grapes and delicate flowers adorn the smoky-colored tunic.
Туника «Желтые розы»
How beautiful, how fresh the roses were! When you look at this delightful tunic, you want to speak exclusively in poetry.
Pink sirloin top
Sirloin knitting is one of the most popular, especially in summer, and such a sirloin top will be a beautiful addition to your wardrobe.
Туника «Пыльная роза»
Предпочитаете розы любым другим цветам? Для Вас — эта красивая туника пыльной розы.
White top, bag and scarf (or belt)
A delightful set of top, scarf and bag. All products are knitted with the same pattern using the fillet technique.
Туника «Красные маки»
Туника «Красные маки» в филейной технике
Red blouse with fillet knitting
A red blouse with long sleeves and a luxurious bouquet on the shelf, made using the fillet knitting technique.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с воротником гольф и снуд
Удобный пуловер оверсайз хорош не только ромбами и «косами». У него практичный воротник гольф, дополненный отдельным шарфом-снудом, который гарантирует еще больше тепла
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