Pullover with a mix of relief patterns and insert
Пуловер с миксом рельефных узоров и вставкой. Вставка вяжется методом интарсии, из отдельных клубков.
Openwork jumper
Openwork jumper with a round mohair yoke
Pullover with V-shaped yoke and side slits
Оригинальный пуловер с воротником V-образной кокеткой, удлиненной спинкой и разрезами по бокам связан узором из ромбов из 100% шерсти.
Pullover with hood and braided decor
The first thing that attracts attention to this pullover is the decor of two “braids”: on the back - with a transition to the hood, on the front - splitting in half at the beginning of the neckline.
Jumper: Moroccan love
Джемпер на круглой цветной кокетке MOROCCO LOVE от DROPS Design.
Special issue No. 2. Knitting patterns. Part 2.
Special issue No. 2. Knitting patterns. Part 2.
Stylish two-color knitted jacket
Stylish two-color knitted jacket
Informal pullover with hood
An informal pullover with a hood, decorative arans and wedge-shaped raglan - for those men who value style!
Miss Moss jumper.
Miss Moss jumper.
Special issue No. 2. Knitting patterns. Part 1.
Special issue No. 2. Knitting patterns. Part 1.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
Latest publications
Использование двух цветов подчеркивает текстуру косички и делает топ уникальным и оригинальным.
Серо-зелёный пуловер мужской с косами
Пуловер с выразительными косами и приглушенного зеленого цвета — отличное решение для прогулок и отдыха.
Пуловер Northern Tee
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