Summer suit: crochet top and skirt.
Catchy and sophisticated: a magnificent suit in rich tones, knitted with filigree patterns, will attract attention.
Summer turquoise suit
The set, from light to the deepest turquoise shade, consists of a skirt and three jumper options, from which you can choose any one.
Knitted wedding dress - suit
Бесподобное вязаное свадебное платье состоит из двух деталей: топ с открытой спиной и юбка — из цветочных медальонов.
Summer green suit
Свяжите юбку из хлопка с вискозой, а к ней — жакет, джемперы и топ, и получите различные варианты для всех случаев изменчивой погоды от прохладной весны до жаркого лета.
Knitted suit: peplum top and skirt
Вязаный костюм: топ с баской и юбка в технике брюггского кружева
Irish style blouse
Elegant knitted blouses in the Irish style are very feminine, and it is so difficult to ignore these delicate models.
Black blouse
This delightful black blouse is knitted using a complex Irish lace technique.
Jacket "Triumph"
The jacket is knitted from the finest threads with metanite, which gives the fabric sparkle and a mysterious, subdued shine. Thanks to the classic cut, the jacket is perfect
носится как с юбками, так и с брюками. традиционного кроя, настоящая палочка — выручалочка!
Luxurious knitted suit
Роскошный костюм, легкий, ажурный, женственный, своим мягким пастельным цветом он лишь подчеркивает скромное изящество узора выполненного крючком.
Suit using fillet lace technique
A multi-layer suit, which consists of three parts, namely a pullover, a skirt and a short vest, is crocheted. The costume is knitted using the fillet lace technique.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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