Crochet top
If you like a round yoke on blouses, we suggest you knit such a charming crochet top from circulo designers.
Openwork top made of linen yarn
The top is crocheted from linen yarn and is almost weightless! The simple pattern made the top weigh only 150 g!
Spectacular blouse using the Bruges lace technique
Эффектный блузон связанный в технике 6рюггского кружева — широкие рукава напоминают распахнутые в небе крылья птицы. Актуальные пропорции — завышенная линия талии и широкие укороченные рукава зрительно удлиняют силуэт скрывая все проблемные места
Top White Romance
Топ спицами «Белый романс»
Pullover with wide elastic band
This summer pullover fits perfectly due to the wide elastic band, and the embossed “diamonds” in the upper part give the model an originality.
Bright Sand Shore Jacket
Жакет из пряжи DROPS Merino Extra Fine вяжется узором из кос и «шишечек» и имеет рукава длиной ¾. Размеры S — XXXL.
Openwork colored set of top and skirt with knitting needles
Sheer elegance: three delicate shades come together in one ensemble consisting of a loose top and a soft flared skirt. A beautiful openwork pattern is included!
Turquoise pullover with openwork pattern
A feminine openwork jumper with a boat neck will appeal to those who prefer classic solutions.
Beige ribbon top
An intricate loop pattern and a regular garter stitch combine to create an extravagant look in this top.
Delicate top with square neckline
Do you want to feel cozy and comfortable in the summer heat? Pay attention to this top model; in it you will feel free and at ease.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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