Pullover with openwork cross motif
Пуловер из теплой меланжевой пряжи. Привлекает способ вязания пуловера — спинка и перед вяжутся от середины детали по кругу.
Pink jacket with braids
A beautiful jacket with braids and stripes of an openwork pattern is an example of femininity.
Yellow pullover
The beauty of this work is that it is geometric, which means it can be knitted in any size by simply adding or reducing the number of columns, having previously calculated the pattern.
Elegant blouse with Irish lace
The charming blouse consists entirely of a floral pattern. Nice soft colors. Irish lace looks great.
Openwork crochet cardigan
This beautiful cardigan combines several patterns; the collar is knitted according to the border knitting pattern.
Brown sports pullover
Brown sports pullover
Continuous knit cardigan
Jackets knitted from square openwork motifs are distinguished by sophistication, simplicity, and elegance. The basis is a straight style, which simplifies knitting
Feminine jacket with a combination of interesting patterns
Действительно женственный жакет, в котором ощущается тепло и обаяние, уют и комфорт, любовь и ласка, всеобъемлющее принятие.
Short openwork pullover
Sleek and elegant: a lightweight short white pullover with long sleeves.
Long cardigan with openwork motifs
Long crochet cardigan made of openwork motifs
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Жилет с V-образной горловиной
Пестрый коллаж: этот жилет создан для тех, кто любит разнообразие! Обе половинки переда и спинки отличаются друг от друга дизайном: здесь в определенном порядке чередуются цветные полосы, зигзаги и однотонные участки лицевой глади. Края боковых разрезов отделаны полым шнуром.
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