Платье — Горький шоколад
A lace dress in the color of dark chocolate enchants with its openwork motifs. Give yourself a magnificent thing that will delight you for a long time.
Beautiful knitted dress
This crocheted dress in the style of the 20s will make your figure slimmer and more graceful. A beautiful knitted dress is perfect for New Year's Eve or other celebrations.
White tunic
The deep neckline and filigree floral patterns of the long snow-white tunic create a delicate and romantic look. Can be worn with trousers or separately as a dress.
Dress with pink openwork patterns
Связанное коллажем из красивых ажурных узоров, платье мягко облегает фигуру и благодаря цвету подчеркивает красоту соблазнительного загара.
Crochet Ruffle Wrap Dress
Delicate crocheted dress made using the fillet technique. The ruffles decorating the shelves add a touch of romance to the look.
Knitted openwork fitted T-shirt dress
It seems that a talented artist selected paints and created this amazing dress with one stroke of the brush. All you have to do is tie it!
Little black diagonal dress with fringe
The eye-catching diagonal lines of this little black fringe dress will captivate with every step and turn.
Jacket with lace pattern
Jacket with lace pattern
Openwork blouse
The model is crocheted from individual motifs. When knitting, cotton yarn with the addition of acrylic was used.
Long cardigan without fastening
Вязанный длинный кардиган без застежки из чистого хлопка можно накинуть поверх платья, когда станет прохладно, — комфорт вам гарантирован, в том числе благодаря объемному силуэту.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с фестонами
Изысканный пуловер в благородных серебристо-серых тонах станет настоящим украшением любого гардероба. Особую элегантность модели придают декоративные фестоны, искусно обрамляющие изделие.
Жакет Розалинда
Openwork pullover with boat neckline
Длинный вязаный пуловер прямоугольной формы с вырезом-лодочкой и широкими рукавами, слегка присборенными снизу не создаст проблем даже неопытным вязальщицам.
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