Tunic "Sunflowers"
A sunny composition adorns a loose-fitting tunic; the hem is decorated with ready-made lace. This model, the embodiment of summer itself, will become a real decoration of every woman's wardrobe.
Openwork tunic dress with raglan sleeves
Туника, поднимающая настроение и призывающая к лучезарной улыбке. В ней хочется гулять по лугу и наслаждаться ароматом полевых цветов, либо отправиться на прогулку вдоль морского побережья и вдыхать этот неповторимый запах моря
White tunic with mesh pattern
В свободной тунике ослепительной белизны прозрачный сетчатый узор окантован широкой планкой, выполненной лицевой гладью.
Openwork tunic in soft pink color
This openwork tunic with a high waist, flared hem and long sleeves looks very gentle and feminine.
Summer tunic with openwork pattern
Туника прямого силуэта из хлопчатобумажной пряжи песочного оттенка выглядит нежно и романтично
Beach white dress
A magnificent dress literally made from squares, diamonds, openwork stripes and chains crocheted with yarn in “sea” colors
10 dresses made from giant flowers on a mesh
Гигантские цветы на прозрачной сетке привлекают внимание и волнуют воображение, Наденьте вниз чехол — получите сногсшибательный вечерний образ.
Green tunic made of squares
Crocheted green tunic made from squares.
Openwork tunic with hexagon wrap
Openwork tunic with hexagon wrap
Openwork tunic with wrap effect
A delicate and slightly frivolous tunic can turn into a short dress if you make the lower part longer.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Pullover with openwork pattern
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