Pullover with short sleeves and V-shaped yoke
A knitted coral pullover with a V-shaped yoke made of 100% cotton will suit any woman. The highlight of this loose-fitting model is the knotted hem trim on the sleeves.
Openwork cardigan with short sleeves
An elongated lightweight cardigan is useful in windy, cool weather in summer and for walks in warm autumn.
Jumper Trip to Provence
Ажурный джемпер с широкими рукавами связан снизу вверх из пряжи DROPS Brushed Alpaca Silk. Размеры: S — XXXL
Airy pullover
The original and unusual model of the blouse fascinates with the graphic play of the pattern, reminiscent of the free interlacing of branches of a rose bush.
Summer pullover with a yoke of openwork leaves
Yellow always lifts the mood, and among the new fashionable shades, it is perfectly suited for a light pullover with a V-shaped yoke made of openwork leaves.
Knitted orange dress
This wonderful dress is made of cool viscose yarn with cotton, so pleasant to the touch you will definitely need it in the summer.
Bright openwork knitted pullover
Openwork sweater with three-quarter sleeves
Cardigan with ribbed yoke
The fronts and back are knitted in stockinette stitch in a single fabric from the bottom up, connected to the sleeve details, and then a round yoke is made with a relief pattern, which defines the soft lines of the silhouette.
Japanese summer models. Part 9
Collection of women's models for the summer season
Top with center border
A feminine lace top made from fine cotton yarn with a decorative border in the middle is very easy to knit.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Пуловер с фестонами
Изысканный пуловер в благородных серебристо-серых тонах станет настоящим украшением любого гардероба. Особую элегантность модели придают декоративные фестоны, искусно обрамляющие изделие.
Жакет Розалинда
Openwork pullover with boat neckline
Длинный вязаный пуловер прямоугольной формы с вырезом-лодочкой и широкими рукавами, слегка присборенными снизу не создаст проблем даже неопытным вязальщицам.
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