White dress with openwork pattern
A knitted dress will be a great addition to your summer wardrobe.
Dress with openwork yoke and skirt
Dress with an openwork yoke and skirt based on the model from Escada Sport Summer. Made with knitting needles and crochet
130 мотивов и 20 моделей аксессуаров. Часть 1 — Квадраты
Японские книги — это всегда интересные и оригинальные предложения и проекты. 130 прекрасных мотивов и 20 моделей замечательных аксессуаров. Часть 1 — Квадраты
Openwork vest
A stylish mint-colored vest is crocheted from cotton yarn. Many openwork patterns give this model a special chic.
Beautiful crochet top made of flowers and leaves
В данной модели всё решает композиция и удачное сочетание цветов пряжи. Всего из двух элементов — цветка и листика и необычной формы резинки получается топ, который подойдёт абсолютно к любой юбке или брюкам, и наверняка станет вашей любимой вещицей!
Openwork cardigan
On this feminine cardigan, experienced lacemakers will demonstrate their skills by knitting a floral border, the successful continuation of which is a simple fillet mesh.
Green cardigan
The back and front of this practical cardigan are knitted in one piece, and the sleeves are knitted at the edges of the armholes.
Black evening dress
One piece black evening dress with straps and open back
Chic boho skirt
Incredibly beautiful crocheted skirt in boho style. It will appeal to all ladies who love this style and know how to wear it and what accessories to combine it with.
Jacket made from granny squares
This jacket combines different openwork patterns, including traditional granny squares. At the same time, the jacket has a simple cut and is fastened at the top with round buttons.
About the Author

Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Openwork pullover
Больше воздуха: этот пуловер требует определенного опыта вязания, но усилия того стоят – благодаря ажурной структуре и смесовой хлопковой пряже он получится изящным и невероятно легким.
Кардиган Аида
Удлиненный двухцветный кардиган
Дресс-код: длинный, теплый, но очень легкий кардиган станет вашим верным спутником в весенние дни.
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