Коллекция — Маки №1
Во все времена цветы признавались самым лучшим элементом декора в одежде и интерьере. Коллекция мотивов для ирландского кружева — Маки №1.
Crochet striped dress
A stunning, feminine floor-length dress that will not only complement but also decorate your wardrobe.
Blue dress with cape
Knitted dresses made from motifs look very impressive. This dress model is made using a combination of crochet and knitting, it is elegant and beautiful.
Филейное платье «Шоколадка»
A charming chocolate-colored crocheted dress. The model contains elements of lace and a Greek motif. The straps make this dress perfect for summer.
Openwork dress with a straight silhouette
Уникальный летний хит — красиво и удобное платье мотивами на каждый день.
Loose pullover made from sectional yarns
Modern section-dyed yarns impress with the variety of shades and their combinations. Pay attention to this pullover with an interesting openwork pattern and beautiful color transitions.
Нарядное платье — Желтые цветы
Knitted dresses made from motifs look very impressive. This dress model is made using a combination of crochet and knitting, it is elegant and beautiful.
T-shirt made of flowers
Маечка из «тысячи» удивительных цветов. Каждый отдельный цветок связан по соответствующей схеме. Соединенные вместе цветы образуют роскошную летнюю модель.
Golden beige blouse with Irish lace elements
The square yoke and hem band of this golden-beige summer blouse are made of voluminous elements of Irish lace.
Summer set of top and skirt.
A raglan top with an original yoke and an openwork skirt made of colored stripes form a very pleasant and romantic pair that you just want to admire.
About the Author
Welcome !
My name is Lilia. The main hobby of my life is knitting. I started with knitting needles and switched to a knitting machine. In 1988 I got acquainted with crochet - Romanian lace. About 10 years ago I became interested in Irish lace and Shetland knitting. And now I’m trying fillet crochet. On this site I want to share with you my 45 years of experience in various knitting techniques.
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Удобный пуловер оверсайз хорош не только ромбами и «косами». У него практичный воротник гольф, дополненный отдельным шарфом-снудом, который гарантирует еще больше тепла
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